1401 Long Beach Boulevard Project CE24-168


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Long Beach
Document Title
1401 Long Beach Boulevard Project CE24-168
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The 1401 Long Beach Boulevard Project (Project) consists of a new affordable housing development on a 1.09-acre site located at 1401 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach, California, and it is associated with five Assessor Parcel Numbers (APNs) including 7269-016-041, -042, - 157, -158, and -159. Specifically, the Project site is located between East 14th Street and East 15th Street, east of Long Beach Boulevard, and west of Locust Avenue in the central portion of the City of Long Beach (City). The site is currently undeveloped, graded flat to street level and contains minimal vegetation. The surrounding land uses include residential homes and apartments to the west and northwest; an auto repair facility and used car dealer to the north; the LA Metro A line (formerly the Blue line) and used car dealership to the east; and a strip mall, saloon, and beauty store to the south. The Project site is currently located in the Midtown Specific Plan, Transit Node (SP-1-TN) zone and has a PlaceType designation of Transit-Oriented Development Moderate Density (TOD-M). The Project involves construction of a six-story affordable housing residential building with 153 units. The Project consists of 100-percent affordable housing units, including 74 one-bedroom units, 40 two-bedroom units, and 39 three-bedroom units. The building would have a maximum height of 70 feet above ground level. The net building floor area comprises approximately 154,637 square feet (sf), including 123,646 sf of residential space, 25,896 sf of circulation space, 5,095 sf of private deck space, and an additional 31,834 sf of garage parking space. Provided parking would include 80 parking spaces with 60 standard parking spots, 5 accessible parking spots, 15 compact spots, and 77 bicycle parking spaces. Parking access would be provided by East 14th Street, and the Project would provide two new driveways built according to the City of Long Beach Standard Plans. The proposed parking would meet the needs estimated by the Long Angeles Region Affordable Parking Demand Study. Outdoor open space for residents would include 7,600 sf of outdoor common space and 5,095 sf of private outdoor space.

Contact Information

Gina Casillas
Agency Name
City of Long Beach
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Long Beach
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
Long Beach Blvd & 14th St
Total Acres
Parcel #
7269-016-041, 7269-016-042, 7269-016-157, 7269-016-158, 7269-016-159
State Highways
LA Metro A line
Un Mundo De Amigos PS, We the People HS, Washington MS, more
Los Angeles River
Other Location Info
1401 and 1423 Long Beach Blvd; and 217 and 237 14th Street, Long Beach, CA 90813

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 32 (Infill Development); CCR, Title 14, Chapter 3, Article 19, Section 15332
Reasons for Exemption
This Project has been determined to be categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to the guidelines of the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §21080(b)(9); Administrative Code, Title 14, Chapter 1, §15332 Class 32, Infill Development.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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