International Transportation Service, LLC - High Mast Light Pole Replacement - (Harbor Development Permit No. 24-056)
SCH Number
Public Agency
Port of Long Beach
Document Title
International Transportation Service, LLC - High Mast Light Pole Replacement - (Harbor Development Permit No. 24-056)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Perform two (2) Cone Penetrometer Tests with a maximum depth of 60 feet and replace High Mast Light Pole 88.
Contact Information
Jennifer Sallee
Agency Name
Port of Long Beach
Job Title
Asst. Admin Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Long Beach
Los Angeles
Other Information
1281 Pier G Way; Harbor Planning District 8 - Southeast Harbor
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15302 Replacement or Reconstruction
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15302 Replacement or Reconstruction (Class 2): The Class 2 Categorical Exemption consists of replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. The new replacement high mast light pole will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. All equipment that is removed from the site will be disposed of in a manner that meets all federal, state and local environmental and regulatory requirements.
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15306 Information Collection
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15306 (Information Collection) (Class 6): The Class 6 Categorical Exemption consists of basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. The Project involves performing two Cone Penetrometer Tests to locate and inspect assets below grade which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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