Alpha 1 and Ocean View 1 Channel Maintenance


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
Alpha 1 and Ocean View 1 Channel Maintenance
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project includes emergency maintenance activities within the concrete- 'and earthen-lined Alpha 1 (Facility No. 5-05-006) and Ocean View 1 (Facility No. 5-05-008) facilities which were authorized under Emergency ESL Approval No. PMT-3295213 and which were competed on January 31, 2024, The Alpha 1 and Ocean View 1 facilities were originally identified and analyzed in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Municipal Water Maintenance Plan (MWMP EIR) and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MM.RP). Per the Hydrology and Hydraulics analysis of the MWMP EIR, both Alpha 1 and Ocean View 1 have a level of service conveyance capacity less than a 100-year storm event Emergency maintenance activities performed as a result of the state of emergency declared across the City of San Diego in response to the January 2024 flooding exceeded the previously identified maintenance limits of the facilities' Facility Maintenance Plans (FMPs) analyzed in the MWMP EIR; however, emergency maintenance did not result in an Increase in the designed conveyance capacity of the stormwater facilities. Emergency maintenance activities. resulted in the removal of approximately 5,004 cubic yards (7,506 tons) of accumulated sediment, vegetation, and debris from approximately 5,032 linear feet of Alpha 1; and the removal of approximately 1,712 cubic yards (2,568 tons) of accumulated sediment, vegetation, and debris from approximately 1,765 linear feet of Ocean View .1. MMRP avoidance and minimization measures were implemented to the maximum extent practicable during emergency maintenance activities. Emergency maintenance activities did not result in adverse Impacts to historical, archeological, and/or tribal cultural resources, The Project also includes future routine maintenance activities within Alpha land Ocean View 1 to restore the designed stormwater conveyance capacity of the facilities, including as-needed bank repair, Prior to future routine maintenance, a revised FMP will be prepared for each stormwater facility. Future routine maintenance activities within Alpha 1 and Ocean View 1 will comply with the rules and regulations set forth ih the City's Municipal Code (SDMC) and supporting implementation documents (i.e. Biology Guidelines, Drainage Design Manual, Historical Resources Guidelines, etc.) including but not limited to: stormwater construction Best Management Practices (BMP) implementation defined in SDMC Section 43.03.07; construction noise level limits defined 'in SDMC . Section 59.5.0401 and 59.5.0404; grading regulations -defined in SDMC 142.0101-142.0151; stormwater runoff and drainage regulations defined in SDMC 142.021-142.0230; outdoor lighting restriction defined in SDMC 142.0740; ESL regulations defined in SDMC Section 143.0101-143.0160; and historical resource regulations defined in SDMC Section 143.0201-143.0280.

Contact Information

Rebecca J Malone
Agency Name
City of San Diego City Planning Department
Job Title
Program Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Diego
San Diego
Southern California
Chollas Creek
Other Location Info
The Project is located in South Chollas Creek and consists of two concrete- and earthen-lined stormwater channel segments. The Alpha 1 segment (Facility No. 5- 05-006) extends from east of Interstate 5 northwest of the intersection of Birch Street and Beta Street to south of the National Avenue bridge crossing east of the intersection of National Avenue and South 41st Street. The Ocean View 1 segment (Facility No. 5-05-008) extends from north of the National Avenue bridge crossing to the Ocean View Boulevard bridge crossing east of the intersection of Ocean View· Boulevard and San Miguel), Ave. The Project site is not located within or adjacent to the City's of San Diego (City's) Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) or the Coastal Overlay Zone. The Project Is located within the Southeastern San Diego Community Planning Area in Council District 4 and 8.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
PRC Section 21080.61
Reasons for Exemption
The City of San Diego q:mducted an environmental review that determined the Project would not have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment pursuant to Public Resource. Code Section 21080.61. The Project involves two stormwater channel segments with a level of service conveyance capacity less than a 100-year storm, involves channel maintenance activities which do not increase the designed conveyance capacity of the stormwater facilities, and would not result in adverse impacts to tribal cultural resources. As described above, future routine maintenance activities would implement procedures the City of San Diego has adopted by ordinance in order to minimize the impacts of construction equipment, debris, sediment, and other pollutants.
County Clerk
San Diego


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