McDevitt Enterprise Seawall Repair Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB)
Document Title
McDevitt Enterprise Seawall Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project will repair an existing seawall (Bulkhead) and conduct associated overwater structure work in the San Rafael Creek (Creek) located at 100 Yacht Club Drive in the City of San Rafael, Marin County (37.9682137; -122.5163807). The Creek is a tributary that empties into the San Pablo Bay. The Bulkhead repairs are needed to maintain structural and flood protection to the abutting property. Project activities will include the following: 1.) About 184 linear feet of existing Bulkhead will be repaired. Repairs will require a new steel sheet pile wall to be installed two feet bayward in front of the existing bulkhead structure, in relatively the same alignment. The existing bulkhead currently holds back the land behind it. During construction, portions of the deteriorating wall and piles will be removed to the maximum extent possible. About 368 square feet of drain rock will be used to backfill the voids between the new sheet piles to ensure lateral loads are adequately transferred to the new structure. Tiebacks will also be installed to provide additional lateral support. 2.) An existing 120 square foot gangway will be replaced in-kind with a prefabricated aluminum grated gangway. No treated wood materials will be used and the replacement gangway will meet the minimum 40 percent light transmittance decking design. 3.) An existing, 880 square foot floating boat dock will be relocated five feet north. No structural improvements will occur. A minimum of three, 12-inch diameter treated, creosote wood piles that currently support the floating dock will be removed and replaced with steel piles. A vibratory hammer will be used for installation during low tide periods. Construction access and sheet pile staging will occur from a crane-mounted barge and a floating silt curtain will be installed adjacent to the Bulkhead to capture any debris and sedimentation from construction. Barge work will occur during high tides and will always maintain a minimum 18-inch clearance above the Creek substrate to avoid impacts to benthic habitat to the maximum extent feasible. No mapped eelgrass beds are present within 150 feet of the Project site and therefore no eelgrass surveys are required. All in-water work will be conducted within the June 1 through November 30 work window. All temporarily disturbed areas will be returned to pre-project conditions. Project completion is planned for 2025 and will take about 90 days to complete.

Contact Information

Holly Garber
Agency Name
Regional Water Quality Control Board
Job Title
Enviornmental Scientist
Contact Types
Responsible Agency


San Rafael
San Francisco Bay Area

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The Project is an existing facility that will be repaired within its existing footprint and will not be significantly expanded.


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