275 Industrial Road PG&E San Carlos Service Center Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of San Carlos
Document Title
275 Industrial Road PG&E San Carlos Service Center Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Utility Company Service Center/Planned Industrial/Industrial Professional
Document Description
The City of San Carlos has received an application for the 275 Industrial Road PG&E Service Center Project (project), which involves updating the Master Plan for the existing PG&E San Carlos service center. The updated Master Plan proposes the following changes to the main on-site facilities: • Demolish the existing, 9,534-square-foot Shops building and replace it with a 52,000-square-foot single-story Logistics Warehouse & Shops building consisting of shops and enclosed warehouse space, and another 7,250 sq. ft. of unconditioned covered storage for a total of approximately 59,250 sq. ft. • Demolish the existing 7,979-square-foot Fleet Maintenance building and replace it with a new 20,000-square-foot, single-story Fleet Maintenance building used to maintain and repair PG&E service vehicles, and another 2,030 sq. ft. of covered fleet storage for a total of approximately 22,030 sq. ft. • Renovate the existing, approximately 57,400-square-foot Operations building, which is a two-story building that serves primarily office and meeting room uses. • Construct a new, single-story Material storage building with 2,160 square feet of building area. An approximately 3,500 sq. ft. curbed material storage canopy area would be located adjacent to the new building. The updated Master Plan also proposes the replacement and reconfiguration of parking lots, replacement of concrete and asphalt not associated with parking lots, removal of existing trees and replanting of trees and other landscaping improvements, construction of bioretention areas for capture and pre-treatment of stormwater runoff, removal or rerouting of some existing utilities and installation of new utilities, installation of new lighting fixtures and signage, and installation of photovoltaic panels in the replaced employee parking lot. The San Carlos Service Center currently serves large portions of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and acts as main hub for emergency services for the greater region for gas & electric utility service needs. The project site is located at 275 Industrial Road, in the northern portion of the City of San Carlos, on a single parcel (Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 046-051-999). The project site is located within the City’s Northeast Specific Plan Study area. There is currently increased interest in transitioning this area from low-intensity commercial and industrial businesses to biotechnology, life sciences, and high-tech office land uses. The Northeast Specific Plan Study is currently underway. In the immediate vicinity of the project site, Highway 101 borders the site to the northeast, a multi-tenant life science building, including laboratory testing facilities, borders the site to the northwest, Sutter Health Urgent Care-San Carlos Center and Palo Alto Medical Foundation Laboratory border the site to the southeast, and Industrial Road borders the site to the west/southwest. Open drainage ditches are located along the site perimeter on the north, east, and south sides. The project site has a General Plan and zoning designation of Planned Industrial and Industrial Professional (IP) respectively. These General Plan and zoning designations generally include research and development, bio-tech, light industrial, flex, warehousing and related uses. The applicant proposes to complete the Master Plan in phases, commencing in early 2025. Tentative estimates from the project applicant indicate the final phase of the Master Plan, the Operations building renovations, would end in 2029. Construction would require the demolition of multiple on-site buildings and associated site features, including pavements, resulting in the net off-haul of approximately 2,138 CY of soil. In total, the project proposes approximately 175,951 sq. ft., or 21.9 percent, of lot coverage. This total lot coverage includes 140,680 sq. ft. of total building area and 35,271 sq. ft. of non-occupied structure space. Of the proposed total building area, 133,450 sq. ft. would be considered an occupied area for the purpose of calculating the project’s proposed floor area ratio (FAR). Approximately 112,578 sq. ft., or 14.1 percent of the site, would be landscaping, including bioretention areas and flow-through planters. The remainder of the site would consist of hardscape in the parking lots, driveways, drive aisles, and internal vehicular circulation routes, pathways, sidewalks, and open materials storage areas. The site’s proposed FAR would be 0.166. The site would provide parking for approximately 537 motor vehicles, which would be used primarily by fleet service vehicles and employee passenger vehicles, and 27 bicycles. Vehicular access to the site would continue to be provided by eight driveways that run along the western portion of the project site and connect to Industrial Road. The design of the new Logistics Warehouse & Shops building and Fleet building, and the renovated Operations building, would incorporate wood decor and fiber cement for exterior sidings. The buildings would use a metal wall system with a combination of exposed fastener-type and matrix-type metal panels with polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coating. Exterior paint colors would include colors such as sandstone, toupestone, and spartan bronze. Windows would consist of clear insulating glass with vision glazing. The main entrance of the Operations building would have an offset glazed system storefront. The project would result in a total of 112,578 sq. ft. of on-site landscaping, or 14.1 percent of the site. Implementation of the proposed project would increase the amount of pervious area on the site by approximately 0.58 acres (25,312 sq. ft). Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) is updating the master plan for the existing PG&E San Carlos Service Center. The updated master plan proposes to replace the San Carlos Service Center’s aged Fleet Maintenance and Shops buildings with new buildings for more efficient storage of PG&E materials, tools, and equipment; remodel the existing Operations building; provide environmental protection measures including stormwater runoff controls; protect buildings and materials storage areas from flood waters; install landscaping; replace and reconfigure existing parking lots and other hardscape areas; remove and reroute some existing utilities; install new utilities; install new light fixtures and signage; and install photovoltaic panels in the employee parking lot. The San Carlos Service Center serves large portions of San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and serves as the main hub for gas and electric utility service needs for the greater region.

Contact Information

Chris Dacumos
Agency Name
City of San Carlos, Community Development Department
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Barbara Beard
Agency Name
MIG, Inc.
Job Title
Senior Project Manager
Contact Types
Consulting Firm

Boris Letuchy
Agency Name
Job Title
Portfolio Delivery, Corporate Real Estate Strategy and Services
Contact Types
Project Applicant


San Carlos
San Mateo
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Industrial Road, Taylor Way, Quarry Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
US 101, SR 82
San Carlos Municipal Airport
Central Middle School, Arroyo School, etc.
San Francisco Bay, Belmont Creek, Pulgas Creek, Laurel Creek, etc.

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Other (Redevelopment of existing utility company service center)
Local Actions
Site Plan, Use Permit, Redevelopment
Project Issues
Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Noise
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End


Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
State Comment Letters [Comments from State Reviewing Agency(ies)]

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