Santa Barbara Airport Taxiways D, F, B1, A1 & A2 and Terminal Apron Pavement Repair Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Santa Barbara
Document Title
Santa Barbara Airport Taxiways D, F, B1, A1 & A2 and Terminal Apron Pavement Repair Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Santa Barbara Municipal Airport (SBA) has designed an AC pavement rehabilitation project for five taxiways and a full depth reconstruction for a section of AC pavement near boarding gates 1 and 2. The following taxiways D “Delta”, F “Foxtrot”, and B1 “Bravo 1”, A1 “Alpha 1”, and A2 “Alpha 2” will undergo a mill and overlay rehabilitation where a milling machine will grind (mill) away the surface of the distressed AC pavement and a paver machine will repave the surface layer of AC pavement for a new taxiway pavement surface. The reconstruction of the AC pavement by the terminal apron will require a full depth excavation to the subgrade level to strengthen the subgrade foundation and rebuild the pavement profile with layers of aggregate base and AC pavement suitable for SBA’s current air fleet mix. In addition to the pavement repairs, SBA plans to reconfigure the airfield geometry resulting in less usable pavement on Taxiway B1 and the creation of Taxiway A2 by dividing Taxiway A1 into two separate taxiways. Each project location is within the secured fenced perimeter known as the Airport Operations Area (AOA) where only authorized airport personnel are allowed to enter.

Contact Information

Jessica Metzger
Agency Name
City of Santa Barbara
Job Title
Airport Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara
Southern California
Cross Streets
Santa Barbara airfield Hollister and Moffett
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
4 N
28 W

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Section§ 15301 Existing Facilities and City CEQA Ordinance Chapter 22.100.70.C. l .d. E
Reasons for Exemption
This Project meets these exemptions as only existing runways will be repaired and maintained with no expansion of use by applying Asphalt Concrete (AC) pavement for five taxiways and and a full depth reconstruction for a section of AC pavement near existing boarding gates 1 and 2. No new development will take place under the proposed scope of work. No significant environmental impacts will be associated with the work.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


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