Stuart Ridge Fuel Reduction
SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Clara County
Document Title
Stuart Ridge Fuel Reduction
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of conducting a controlled pile burning operation located within Santa Clara County Park's Stuart Ridge Property. The project will remove flammable and invasive vegetation, reduce continuity of flammable vegetation, establish fuel breaks, and improve emergency access within treatment areas as well as provide crew training. The project is intended to protect park infrastructure and reduce the spread of wildfire at the ridge top of Bohlman Rd. within Santa Clara County Park's property. Approximately less than 10 acres will be treated within the Stuart Ridge area and 2 miles of trail length with 10 feet on either side will be treated on the property. Nine Structures located on the property will also be treated by removing invasive vegetation within their required defensible space. Operations will be conducted under a Cal Fire LE7/8 permit and a BAAQMD Open Burn permit. Project activities include creating piles or feeder piles away from any residual trees, tree canopies, asphalt or concrete surfaces, masonry structures, guard rails, or other infrastructure. Any live vegetation less than 6 inches in diameter that interferes with clearing and will be cut oiled and/or chinned.
Contact Information
Caitlin Song
Agency Name
County of Santa Clara, Parks and Recreation Department
Job Title
Assistant Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Clara
Parcel #
Other Location Info
16191 Bohlman Road
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Article 19, Sec. 15301(h)
Reasons for Exemption
The project manages overgrown vegetation at a closed property. The project is directly responsible for reducing wildfire risk and removing invasive vegetation. The treatment area is not considered sensitive habitat.
County Clerk
Santa Clara
Notice of Exemption
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