Seven Stream Gauge Installation Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
Seven Stream Gauge Installation Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
DWR proposes to install seven new stream gauge stations providing a service to State, federal, and local agencies and private entities by monitoring water flow and quality in rivers, streams, and sloughs within the San Joaquin Valley. Stream gauge data is posted on the World Wide Web through the California Data Exchange Center (CDEC) and the Water Data Library (WDL), where it is accessible to the general public. Public and private entities rely on this data for a variety of applications. Six of the new stream gauge stations will be placed on the bank for stability and accessibility. Installation will require using a weed eater to clear weeds from each station site as needed. Each station box will be placed on an existing structure or placed on two station legs that will involve digging two 18-inch diameter by 36-inch deep bore holes with a hand auger. These holes will then be filled with concrete to support the two station legs. A cement slab, up to 4 feet by 4 feet, will be poured around the station legs. Up to four staff gauges will be installed in the streambed/bank at each location. Each staff gauge includes digging an 18-inch diameter by 2-feet deep hole with an auger in the streambed/bank, which will be filled with concrete to support galvanized steel pipe to hold each staff gauge. Approximately 250 feet of galvanized steel pipe (to contain the bubbler line) will be placed above ground and fastened to the stream bank with 3/8-inch rebar anchors. The stream gauge at Poso Creek will use an existing station that is connected to the downstream side of the Round Mountain Road bridge. One hundred and fifty feet of galvanized steel pipe will be fastened to the bridge running to the left bank and along the stream bank to the stream bed.

Contact Information

Steve Doe
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Principal Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Kern, Madera, Tulare
Other Location Info
Ash Slough (Madera Co.) (37.037776°, -120.439050°), Berenda Slough (Madera Co.) (36.996433°; -120.383553°), Fresno River (Madera Co.) (36.968077°; -120.255851°), Deer Creek (Tulare Co.) (35.913974°, -119.284027°), White River by Road 168 (Tulare Co.) (35.849137°, -119.196713°), White River near Ducor (Tulare Co.) (35.814695°, -118.928419°), and Poso Creek (Kern Co.) (35.514164°, -118.906020°).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15306. Information Collection
Reasons for Exemption
Work activities will consist of installation of seven stream gauges. Project activities are covered under Categorical Exemption Class 6 Section 15306 (Data Collection) of the California Environmental Quality Act. No sensitive biological or cultural resources have been identifed in the areas.
County Clerks
Kern, Madera, Tulare


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