Sierra Valley cGPS, Corner Reflector, Extensometer, and Monitoring Well Station Installations


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources (DWR)
Document Title
Sierra Valley cGPS, Corner Reflector, Extensometer, and Monitoring Well Station Installations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The cGPS station will provide high frequency displacement data, increasing the availability and speed at which subsidence data is available. The corner reflector will improve the quality and availability of local GPS data. A monitoring well is to be paired with the cGPS station and reflector, providing groundwater level, quality, and temperature data to help correlate potential causes of subsidence and monitor impacts. The extensometer station will provide depth discreet displacement data that will correlate with the GPS and monitoring well data and improve understanding of the hydrogeologic conditions in each basin. The monitoring well will be incorporated into the larger basin groundwater elevation monitoring program. This scope of work covers 1) Drilling and grouting five footings/micropiles (3 vertical, 12 angled at 35°) and one offset enclosure postholes to a depth of 4-5 feet, and constructing a continuous GPS stations 2) drilling and grouting additional footings/micropiles and constructing a GPS corner reflector 3) drilling an exploratory borehole, conducting geophysical tests, constructing and installing nested groundwater monitoring wells 4) drilling an additional exploratory borehole, conducting geophysical tests, constructing and installing an extensometer station 5) construction and installation of necessary appurtenances within the Site for such cGPS stations, GPS corner reflector, groundwater monitoring wells, and extensometer station, including but not limited to data monitoring stations, concrete pads, structural components, and security components 6) operating, maintaining and/or repairing the improvements set forth in items (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), including but not limited to, repairing and replacing all necessary material, equipment, and/or supplies, and 7) obtaining data from the cGPS station, GPS reflector, groundwater monitoring wells, and extensometer station, including displacement data, satellite connectivity tests, groundwater levels, water quality, and temperature. A cGPS station, corner reflector, monitoring wells, and extensometer station will be installed at the site, located in Sierra Valley, CA - APN# 010-050-016-000.

Contact Information

Shawn Spani
Agency Name
CA Dept. of Water Resources
Job Title
Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Northern California
Cross Streets
Hwy 70
Total Acres
Parcel #
APN# 010-050-016-000
State Highways
Union Pacific
Little Last Chance Creek
Other Location Info
approximately 6 miles east of Beckwourth, privately owned agricultural land. Reconnaissance Peak United States Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5’ quadrangle

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15306, Information Collection
Reasons for Exemption
The installations at this site will be incorporated into the larger basin groundwater elevation monitoring program to assess groundwater conditions. Proposed activities will not impact any environmental resources, including scenic resources, cultural resources, or special status organisms. The project will not result in any significant impact to the environment.
County Clerk


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