Vegetation Management Plan for County-Owned Unimproved Parcels and the Hazardous Vegetation Reduction Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
El Dorado County
Document Title
Vegetation Management Plan for County-Owned Unimproved Parcels and the Hazardous Vegetation Reduction Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project intends to 1) remove dead, dying, and diseased trees, 2) reduce the surface of fuel loading (forest litter, branches, and old down rounds of logs), and 3) spatially reduce live shrubs and trees the vertical and horizontal arrangement of vegetation for the purpose to decrease the fire hazard and improve wildfire resiliency within the forested community areas in the Tahoe Basin in the County of El Dorado. The project area is a discontiguous treatment area that spans over 76 small unimproved residential lots, with a mean property size of 0.43, totaling 32.97 acres in the unincorporated communities of Rubicon Bay, Emerald Bay, South Lake Tahoe, and Meyers. The parcels are scattered as single or small clusters of parcels. The primary treatment method involves manual activities such as chainsaws and hand tools. In isolated sites, under the direct supervision of a forester or designee, low-impact equipment (less than 10 PSI), such as a skid steer or a ride-long mini skid steer, may be used to remove piles of log rounds or long-line felled trees to the road. The project increases community fire safety and forest wildfire resiliency.

Contact Information

Donaldo Palaroan
Agency Name
El Dorado County Department of Transportation
Job Title
Senior Civil Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


South Lake Tahoe
El Dorado
Other Location Info
unincorporated communities of Rubicon Bay, Emerald Bay, South Lake Tahoe, and Meyers

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 15304, Section 153049(i), “Minor Alterations to Land”
Reasons for Exemption
The treatment activities primarily involve hand tool work to cut and remove vegetation to reduce fire hazards within the forested community areas. In isolated sites, under the supervision of a forester or designee, low-ground impact equipment (less than 10 PSI), such as a skid steer or ride-along mini skid steer, may be used to remove woody log debris. Work occurs on residential-size unimproved lots adjacent or within direct proximity to developed lots. Treatment activities intend to remove hazardous vegetation that creates a fire hazard in community areas. The project improves community fire safety and forest wildfire resiliency. The project is consistent with the minor alterations in land and does not result in a significant change in land use or intensity of use.
County Clerk
El Dorado


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