Monarch Electrical Load Distribution (MELD)
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Energy Commission
Document Title
Monarch Electrical Load Distribution (MELD)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project will deploy Monarch Electric Load Distribution (MELD) systems at five sites across California. The installed systems will replace existing breaker panels at each location to demonstrate improved safety, reliability, and affordability of renewable backup storage integration.
Contact Information
Sean Dory
Agency Name
California Energy Commission
Job Title
Energy Analyst
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Escondido, Valley Springs, Riverdale, Cherry Valley, San Miguel
Calaveras, Fresno, Riverside, San Diego, San Luis Obispo
Other Location Info
12103 W Elkhorn Ave;
15777 Old Milky Way;
10600 Highland Springs Ave;
72761 Indian Valley Rd;
2734 Hogan Dam Rd;
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15302
Reasons for Exemption
Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15302 exempts projects that consist of the replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. This project involves replacing existing breaker panels with Monarch Electrical Load Distribution (MELD) systems, which will not change any purpose or capacity of the facilities. Therefore, this project is categorically exempt under Section 15302.
Additionally, this project will not impact an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies; does not involve impacts on any particularly sensitive environment; does not involve any cumulative impacts of successive projects of the same type in the same place that might be considered significant; does not involve unusual circumstances that might have a significant effect on the environment; will not result in damage to scenic resources within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway; the project site is not included on any list compiled pursuant to Government Code section 65962.5; and the project will not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. Therefore, none of the exceptions to categorical exemptions listed in CEQA Guidelines section 15300.2 apply to this project, and this project will not have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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