Felipe Road/Oso Parkway Intersection Improvements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mission Viejo
Document Title
Felipe Road/Oso Parkway Intersection Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project site is located within the southern portion of the City of Mission Viejo. It is situated approximately 1.5-miles east of Interstate 5 at the intersection of Felipe Road and Oso Parkway; refer to Exhibit 1, Regional Location and Exhibit 2, Site Vicinity. The purpose of this project is to improve localized traffic operations at the intersection of Felipe Road and Oso Parkway in Mission Viejo, County of Orange, California. Proposed improvements include widening all four legs approaching the intersection to provide dual left-turn lanes for both directions of Felipe Road and Oso Parkway and a designated right-turn lane for southbound Felipe Road. The project is bounded on all four sides by residential developments and the land adjacent to the streets is owned by homeowner associations (HOAs) for those communities. On the west side of Felipe Road exist a retaining wall south of Oso Parkway and a fence north of Oso Parkway. On the east side of Felipe Road there is a large slope from the existing street right-of-way up to the residential property fences. With these existing conditions, the majority of the widening proposed for Felipe Road is on the east side and widening for Oso Parkway is on the north side. The project also includes the following components: - Retaining walls with masonry block for a majority of the project length - wall heights vary from 2 feet to 18 feet - Improvements to existing curb ramps - Traffic signal modification - Signing and striping - Drainage improvements - Street lighting - Landscaping improvements - Addition of raised landscaped medians on Felipe Road - Utility coordination/relocation - Right-of-Way acquisition from landscaped areas under HOA ownership

Contact Information

Larry Longenecker
Agency Name
City of Mission Viejo
Job Title
Director of Community Development
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Mission Viejo
Southern California
Cross Streets
Oso Parkway and Felipe Road

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 exemption for “Existing Facilities,” pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines
Reasons for Exemption
The project would include minor alterations to an existing roadway facility. The proposed project would not increase roadway capacity through the provision of additional through lanes. Rather, the project is designed to improve localized intersection operations within an existing intersection. The project would not result in any significant project-level or cumulative effects.
County Clerk


Notice of Exemption

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