Somis Ranch Farmworkers Housing Complex Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Ventura County
Document Title
Somis Ranch Farmworkers Housing Complex Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Project consists of widening the State Route 34 to accommodate two new bus stops, the addition of two right turn lanes and one left turn lane, the installation of a new traffic signal at the northeast entrance of the Somis Ranch Farmworkers Housing development in the unincorporated County of Ventura at mile marker 15.8 - 16.3. The purpose of this project is to provide safe ingress and egress along SR-34 for both entrances to the Somis Ranch Farmworker Housing Complex, and to accommodate safe access and staging for bus riders in order to maintain service essential to the public health and safety.
Contact Information
Anitha Balan
Agency Name
County of Ventura
Job Title
Director, Roads & Transportation
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Camarillo, Moorpark
Cross Streets
State Route 34
Other Location Info
State Route 34 at Mile Marker 15.8-16.3 in the Somis area
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (c ) and 15303 (e)
Reasons for Exemption
Project involves widening the road to allow for added turn lanes, resurfacing the areas of widening and extending the existing box culvert to accommodate the widened road. The road widening is exempt from CEQA under Section 15301 (c ) because it consists of minor alteration to "Existing highways and Streets", Section 15301 exempts projects that involve the repair, maintenance and minor alteration of existing public or private structures. These improvements will not have a significant impact on the environment either individually or cumulatively.
The bus stop & traffic signal installation involves constructing concrete pads for bus pull out, constructing walkways and bus shelters, new crosswalks, traffic signal and pedestrian push buttons. These improvements are exempt from CEQA under Section 15303 (e), because it consists of construction of "New, Small Facilities or Structures", within SR-34 and will not have a significant impact on the environment either individually or cumulatively nor result in any negligible expansion of existing public use.
Furthermore, the proposed project is not located in a hazardous or critical environmental resource area (Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 ), there are no significantly adverse cumulative impacts, and there are no unusual circumstances which would cause significant effects.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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