Improvement of a Portion of Ward Creek, Line B, Between Pacheco Way And Line F (Downstream of Folsom Street), In Hayward, Alameda County, Project (F03C92)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Document Title
Improvement of a Portion of Ward Creek, Line B, Between Pacheco Way And Line F (Downstream of Folsom Street), In Hayward, Alameda County, Project (F03C92)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is located on Ward Creek (Zone 3A Line B) between Pacheco Way and Line F in the City of Hayward, Alameda County. The proposed project involves raising an approximately 1,450 linear foot portion of the existing easterly levee. Work will include removal and disposal of the existing asphalt concrete pavement and aggregate base; scarification of subgrade to receive imported soils; placing and compacting soil to raise the levee to design elevation; placing and compacting Class 2 aggregate base to restore the maintenance access road structural section; restoring the asphalt concrete trail pavement; removing approximately 350 square feet of existing concrete ditch; constructing approximately 30 linear feet of concrete curb wall; removing approximately five existing drainage inlet structures; and removing and replacing three drainage inlet structures and extending associated reinforced concrete pipes. To accommodate the levee raise, approximately four trees may be removed, any tree removal will be mitigated by planting native trees within project limits. The purpose of this project is to contain the current FEMA 100-year design flow and minimize flooding potential to adjacent properties.

Contact Information

Moses Tsang
Agency Name
Alameda County Flood Control District
Job Title
Deputy Director
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

James Yoo
Agency Name
Alameda County Flood Control & Water Conservation District
Job Title
Associate Environmental Compliance Specialist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Cross Streets
Between Pacheco Way and Line F (Downstream of Folsom Street), Hayward

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities, (Sec 15301)
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project constitutes repair, maintenance, and minor alteration to existing public facilities involving negligible expansion of use.
County Clerk


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