San Mateo Union High School District EV Fleet Charging Stations
SCH Number
Public Agency
San Mateo Union School District
Document Title
San Mateo Union High School District EV Fleet Charging Stations
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The district proposes to install approximately 32 level 2 and Level 3 electric vehicle charging stations in the existing parking areas at the District's bus/vehicle yard. The chargers would be connected to a new electrical service on the site via new electrical infrastructure. New wheel stops, bollards, and striping would be installed in the parking lots. The facilities would aid the District in shifting its bus, van, and other vehicle fleet to electrical vehicles, which would reduce fossil fuel consumption and decrease emissions. The project would be constructed in the summer of 2025 with some temporary chargers installed summer 2024.
Contact Information
Yancy Hawkins
Agency Name
San Mateo Union High School District
Job Title
Associate Superintendent, CBO
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Mateo
San Mateo
State Highways
San Francisco international
San Mateo HIgh School
San Francisco Bay
Other Location Info
specific: 991 E Poplar Ave, San Mateo CA 94401 County of San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 Exemption (Existing Facilities - CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301), Class 11; 15311
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 Exemption
The CEQA Class 1 Exemption (Existing Facilities - CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301)
applies to repairs and maintenance of existing facilities including interior or exterior alterations involving no or negligible expansion of the facilities, and restoration and rehabilitation of deteriorated structures and facilities, as well as health and safety improvements. The Project qualifies for the Class 1 exemption because it involves the minor alteration of existing facilities at the Property with improvements that would lead to negligible or no expansion of use beyond the use existing at this time. The Project would result in net environmental benefits by reducing vehicular emissions from the District fleet operations.
Class 11 Exemption
The CEQA Class 11 Exemption (Accessory Structures, CEQA Guidelines section 15311) applies to construction or placement of minor structures accessory or appurtenant to existing commercial, industrial, or institutional facilities. The Project is also exempt from CEQA because it involves the construction of minor structures accessory to existing institutional facilities.
The exemptions are subject to the following exceptions:
• Cumulative Impact. This exception would apply if the project were to contribute to
significant impacts to a resource in combination with other proposed new development nearby. No other projects are proposed at the bus yard that would overlap the project. New photovoltaic arrays are proposed in parking lots at the San Mateo High School campus and adjacent District Offices, however the proposed fleet charging station improvements would be so minimal as to not contribute in a cumulatively considerable manner to impacts of any other nearby projects.
• Scenic Highways. This exception would apply if the project were to result in damage to scenic resources within a scenic highway corridor. There are no highways or roadways in the project area or from which the project area can be seen that are designated as Scenic or are eligible for scenic designation. The City of San Mateo General Plan does not designate any roadways in the project vicinity as locally scenic. The project facilities would not be visible from off site. Therefore no significant impact would occur.
• Hazardous Waste Sites. This exception would apply if the project were to be located on a hazardous waste site listed pursuant to California Government Code Section 65962.5. A search of the State Envirostor database conducted on April 29, 2024, found no listed hazardous wastes sites on or near the school site.1 A School Investigation was conducted but no action was required2. In addition, no past uses that caused contamination, or actual potential contamination, are known for the school.
• Historical Resources. This exception would apply if the project were to potentially
significantly adversely affect an historical resource. The project would be limited to
construction of small charging stations in a bus yard parking lot. This would not have
the potential to adversely affect any historic resources.
• Significant Effect. The exception would apply if the project would have the potential for a significant effect to the environment due to unusual circumstances. Unusual
circumstances may include historic structures, hazardous materials contamination,
protected species or habitats, and other similar conditions. There are no unusual
circumstances on the site and there is no potential for significant effect, therefore this
exception would not apply.
County Clerk
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
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