City of Mt Shasta South Downtown Infrastructure Improvements
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Mount Shasta
Document Title
City of Mt Shasta South Downtown Infrastructure Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project:
The purpose of the proposed project is to replace aging, damaged, and undersized sewer, water, and stormdrain infrastructure to eliminate existing environmental-and public health risks. Improvements include the following (see
Figure 2):
Collection System Improvements
- Replacement of existing 6-, 8-, and 10-inch-diameter sewer mains and appurtenant laterals within the public road ROWs of Chestnut Street, East Jessie Street, East Ivy Street, North Mt. Shasta Boulevard, South Mt. Shasta Boulevard, Old McCloud Road, Sheldon Avenue, North A Street, South A Street, Merritt Avenue, Perry Street, Eugene Avenue, North B Street, South B Street, North C Street, Ackley Avenue, Alpine Street, Shasta Court, Brush Street, Berry Street, High Street, Mill Street, Sisson Street, Forest Street, Orem Street, Russell Street, Ream Avenue, Smith Street, Gaudenzio Street, Ida Street, East Lake Street, and North Washington Drive. Sewer mains and laterals would also be replaced within various public utility easements.
- Installation of new 6-, 8-, and 10-inch-diameter sewer mains and appurtenant laterals within the existing public road ROWs of South A Street, Sheldon Avenue, South B Street, Perry Street, South Washington Drive, Eugene Avenue, Brush Street, Berry Street, Water Street, Ream Avenue, and Ida Street. New sewer mains ancj laterals would also be installed within various public utility easements.
- Installation of a new 8-inch-diameter sewer main and appurten??nt laterals within Siskiyou County Assessor's Parcel Numbers (APNs) 057-311-220 and -250, generally west of Ream Avenue, east of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks, and north of the Siskiyou Avenue cul-de-sac.
Water System Improvements
Replacement and/or installation of water mains within the public road ROWs of South Mt. Shasta Boulevard, Old McCloud Road, Sheldon Avenue, South A Street, Merritt Avenue, Perry Street, Eugene Street, South B Street, Brush Street, Berry Street, Alpine Street, High Street, Mill Street, Sisson Street, Forest Street, Ream Avenue, Smith Street, Gaudenzio Street, Ida Street, East Lake Street, South Washington Drive, Maple Street, Chestnut Street, West Lake Street, and North Washington Drive.
Stormdrain Improvements
Cold Creek Restoration
- Construction of a new concrete headwall and riprap energy dissipater at the western end of Water Street.
- Installation of new 12-, 18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, 41-, and 42-inch-diameter high density polyethylene (HOPE) stormdrain pipes, and replacement and installation of new stormdrain inlets and manholes within the public road ROWs of Water Street, Mill Street, South Mt. Shasta Boulevard, Smith Street, South A Street, and South Washington Drive.
- Installation of 50 linear feet of curb and gutter within the public road ROWs of Mill Street and Water Street.
Washington Drive Connection to Mt. Shasta Boulevard
Replacement and upsizing of existing 18- and 30-inch-diameter stormdrain pipes, and replacement of existing inlets and manholes within the public road ROWs of Old McCloud Road and South Mt. Shasta Boulevard. Installation of new stormdrain pipeline within South Mt. Shasta Boulevard and Old Mccloud Road.
Repaving and installation of curb, gutter,.sidewalk, and Low Impact Development (LID) design features within the public road ROW of Washington Drive.
McC/oud A venue Improvements
Replacement and upsizing of existing 6-, 8-, 12-, 16-, and 18-inch-diameter stormdrain pipes, and replacement of existing inlets and manholes within the public road ROWs of Mill Street, Alpine Street, South Mt. Shasta Boulevard, McCloud Avenue, and South Washington Drive. Installation of new 36-inch-diameter HOPE pipe within the public road ROW of Mccloud Avenue.
Contact Information
Todd Juhasz
Agency Name
City of Mt Shasta
Job Title
City Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Mount Shasta
Cross Streets
Old McCloud Rd and S Mt Shasta Blvd
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Union Pacific
Mt Shasta High School
Upper Sacramento
Other Location Info
The proposed project is located within the City of Mt. Shasta (City) in Sections 15, 16, 21, and 22 of Township 40 North, Range 4 West of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) City of Mount Shasta 7.5-minute quadrangle. As showr:i in Figure 1, project elements would be completed in the general area of South Downtown
(from Old McCloud Road and South Mt. Shasta Boulevard, north to East Lake Street and North Washington Drive). Additional project improvements would be completed north of the main project area in portions of North Mt. Shasta Boulevard, East Jessie Street, and Chestnut Street. All work would occur within public road rights-of-way (ROWs) and/or public utility easements.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 (§15301), Class 2 (§15302), Class 3 (§15303) of CCR, Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3
Reasons for Exemption
The Class 1 exemption covers the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, and mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. The Class 2 exemption covers replacement or reconstruction of existing utility _systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. The Class 3 exemption .covers the construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures, including water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, as well as street improvements, ·of reasonable length to serve such construction.
The project is consistent with the categorical exemptions noted above because work would consist of repair, maintenance, and minor alterations to the City's existing sewer mains and appurtenant laterals, water mains, and stormdrain pipes; installation of a limited number of new facilities including sewer mains, water mains, and stormdrain pipes, inlets, manholes, and culverts; the majority of the pipelines would be placed in previously disturbed areas within the public road ROW and in public utility easements; and the ground surface would be restored following construction. As documented in Attachment A, the proposed project would not have a significant effect on the environment due to unusual circumstances; would not result in damage to scenic resources within a Scenic ighway; is not located on a hazardous waste site pursuant to §65962.5 of the Government Code; would not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource; and would not result in cumulative impacts.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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