2024 Lake Fire Emergency Projects


SCH Number
Public Agency
Santa Barbara County Flood Control District
Document Title
2024 Lake Fire Emergency Projects
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Lake Fire began on July 5, 2024. Santa Barbara County Director of Emergency Services proclaimed a local emergency related to the Lake Fire on July 12, 203 which was ratified by the County Board of Supervisors on July 16, 2024. To respond to the emergency and prepare for actions necessary to prevent and mitigate another emergency, the Santa Barbara County Flood Control District proposes three actions in the Alamo Pintado Creek watershed as follows: 1) Install and maintain a debris rack on Alamo Pintado Creek at the Midland School Property. 2) Install and maintain a debris rack on Alamo Pintado Creek at the Chamberlain Ranch Property. The debris racks consist of a standard design used in similar fire-response, with a steel pipe structure installed across the creek channel to capture and slow down flood debris from the burned watershed. The steel pipe structure would be anchored to the substrate with cement slurry. Minor associated excavation, grading, and brushing of vegetation for access would be required. Maintenance of the debris rack may be required, in which accumulated debris would be removed from the rack and hauled away for disposal. Associated maintenance may include creek bank protection, re-grading, erosion control, and sediment management as needed to retain the site in good working order. After a period of approximately 5 years, the debris rack would be removed during the dry season, the creek bed and bank would be re-graded to restore the pre-project conditions, and additional native plants may be installed if necessary to recolonize the areas of temporary disturbance. 3) Install K-rail barriers along Alamo Pintado Creek upstream of Highway 246.The action would involve temporary placement of K-rail barriers along the top of the bank of the creek on the northwest side, in order to manage potential high water flows, and guide water away from the adjacent shopping center and into the drainage channel under the Highway 246 bridge. The K-rail barriers may be left in place for one or more winter seasons, depending on performance.

Contact Information

Andrew Raaf
Agency Name
Santa Barbara County Flood Control District
Job Title
Environmental Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Santa Barbara
Southern California
Parcel #
133-120-069, 139-151-060, 139-530-008
Alamo Pintado Creek

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Declared Emergency
Type, Section or Code
Sec. 21080(b)(3); 15269(c)
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15269(c): Specific actions necessary to prevent or mitigate an emergency that does not have a low probability of occurrence. The Lake Fire began on July 5, 2024. Santa Barbara County Director of Emergency Services proclaimed a local emergency related to the Lake Fire on July 12, 203 which was ratified by the County Board of Supervisors on July 16, 2024. Burned watersheds typically exhibit higher flood flows and debris-laden water, even in low or moderate rains. The imminent winter rainy season indicates that the probability of a fire or flood-related emergency is not low.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


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