Mills Park Improvement (Project No. 1636)


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Carson
Document Title
Mills Park Improvement (Project No. 1636)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Mills Park is approximately 4.45 acres (195,000 sq.ft) centrally located in the City of Carson. A majority of the improvements are on the easterly half of the park, while minor work is also being completed on the westerly half of the park, which is mostly natural turf. The project scope involves expanding the existing building by approx. 1,400 sq.ft., to provide more office space and additional internal storage. The project will remove the old wading pool to be replaced with a splash pad water feature. The irrigation system will be adjusted according to the modified site layout. Majority of the turf areas will remain with a few locations to be improved due to a bigger playground area with rubberized surface and conversion of the half-court to a full court basketball. The fitness area will have a new shade cover and a three new picnic shelters will be installed. The park marquee sign will be upgraded to a digital format sign. Lastly, the project will improve the condition of the concrete walkways throughout the park.

Contact Information

Raymond Velasco
Agency Name
City of Carson
Job Title
Public Works Operations Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Other Location Info
1340 Diamondale Dr.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Cods of Regulations, Chapter 3, Section 15301(e)(1) (Existing facilities); 15303(e) (New Construction of of
Reasons for Exemption
A portion of this project complies with the provisions of Section 15301(e)(1) for an expansion to an existing building totaling less than 50% of the square footage of the existing building. Other portions of this project would meet the provisions of Section 15303(e) as the picnic shelters, shade structures, and splash pad would be considered accessory structures. All other aspects of this project would comply with the provisions of Section 15323 as the project is reinforcing the historical use of this property as a public park.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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