Mariposa Creek Parkway Phase 2 Restoration Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Mariposa County
Document Title
Mariposa Creek Parkway Phase 2 Restoration Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Mariposa Creek Parkway Riparian Restoration Project (Project) will be
implemented by Mariposa County in conjunction with the Southern Sierra Miwuk
Nation (SSMN) and the Sierra Foothill Conservancy (SFC). The Project was
identified in the Mariposa Creek Parkway Master Plan (adopted in 2020), which
identified several opportunities for the Parkway to serve as a cornerstone of natural
resilience and cultural heritage for the community.
The Phase 2 Restoration Project involves development of a new 800 linear foot soft
surface path trail that would run parallel to the northeast side of Mariposa Creek
and minor existing trail enhancements on the southwest side of the creek. No trees
would be removed as part of the proposed Project and all new construction and
work would be outside of the bed and bank of the creek.
As mentioned above, on the northeast side of Mariposa Creek, a soft surface 800
linear foot path, varying in width from 4 feet to 8 feet, would be installed. The trail
would be aligned to avoid all existing native vegetation. Timber steps at the start of
the trail would be installed for stabilization. Picnic tables, benches, and boulders
would be installed for visitor use.
On the southwest side of the creek, there is an existing paved trail. Trail
enhancements on this side of the creek would include a new viewing deck,
approximately 600-square-feet in size, and installation of benches, seating, and an
informational kiosk. Additionally, no part of the viewing deck would overhang the
bed and bank of the creek
Contact Information
Hannah Harrison
Agency Name
Mariposa County
Job Title
Community Design and Development Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Cross Streets
6th Street to 8th Street
Parcel #
13-130- 006 and 013-130-005
Other Location Info
Project is located from 6th Street to 8th Street, adjacent to Mariposa Creek, within
the community of Mariposa. The APN Numbers for the Project Site are 013-130-
006 and 013-130-005. Both parcels are property of Mariposa County. The zoning
designation of the property is General Commercial (GC)
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304-Minor Alterations to Land; 15303-New Construction
Reasons for Exemption
The project includes minor recreational improvements including
installation of an 800 linear foot soft trail, new seating, and viewing decks along Mariposa Creek. The installation of the 800 linear foot trail would be considered a minor alteration to the condition of the land and would not include the removal of any trees and therefore is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304, Minor Alterations to Land. The installation of the seating, viewing decks, and information
kiosks would be ancillary to the trail construction and is exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303, New Construction
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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