Playground Replacements at Various County Parks


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Diego County
Document Title
Playground Replacements at Various County Parks
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is the replacement of playgrounds at Agua Caliente County Park, Flinn Springs County Park, William Heise County Park, Lakeside Ballfields, Otay Lakes County Park and Vallecito County Park. Five of the playgrounds will be replaced on the same site as the previous playground. The playground at Agua Caliente will be replaced but will be moved to a location under an existing shade structure.

Contact Information

Brad Roberts
Agency Name
County of San Diego Department of Parks & Recreation
Job Title
Park Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


San Diego
Southern California, Unincorporated
Other Location Info
Agua Caliente County Park: 39555 Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849, Julian, CA 92036 Flinn Springs County Park: 14787 Olde Hwy. 80, El Cajon, CA 92021 William Heise County Park: 4945 Heise Park Road, Julian, CA 92036 Lakeside Ballfields: 10030 Marathon Parkway, Lakeside, CA 92040 Otay Lakes County Park: 2270 Wueste Road, Chula Vista, CA 91915 Vallecito County Park: 37349 Great Southern Overland Stage Route of 1849, Julian, CA 92036

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Code of Regulations, title 14, sections 15301, 15302, 15303 and 15304
Reasons for Exemption
The project is exempt pursuant to Sections 15301 - 15304 of the State CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 is appropriate as the project is the replacement of existing facilities. Section 15302 is appropriate because the playgrounds will be replaced in the same location as previous playgrounds (except for Agua Caliente). Section 15303 is appropriate because the new playground at Agua Caliente will be moved to a location under an existing shade structure to provide shade to the users. Section 15304 is appropriate because minor land disturbance will be required to secure the playground structures. The holes/trenches will be backfilled. Additionally, the project will not impact environmental resources of hazardous or critical concern that are designated, precisely mapped and officially adopted by government agencies; does not contribute to cumulative environmental impact; will not have a significant impact on the environment due to unusual circumstances; does not damage scenic resources within a designated state scenic highway; is not on the list of Hazardous Waste and Substance Sites pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the Government Code; and does not cause adverse change in the significance of a historical resource.
County Clerk
San Diego


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