432 N. Evergreen Ave. (ENV-2023-1925-CE)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
432 N. Evergreen Ave. (ENV-2023-1925-CE)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Applicant proposes the construction, use, and maintenance of a four-story apartment building with two (2) Very-Low-Income units, and 10 market rate units, for a total of 12 units. The project site is located at 432 N. Evergreen Avenue within the Boyle Heights Community Plan. The project will have a maximum total floor area of 15,272 square feet and a Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of 1.88:1, which is less than the maximum 3:1 FAR permitted in the R2 zone. The proposed building will be four stories and 44-feet tall, consistent with the maximum height permitted in the R2-1 zone with an 11-foot height increase permitted with TOC projects. The unit mix will be comprised of three (3) three-bedroom units, three (3) four-bedroom units, and six (6) five-bedroom units. The project proposes to provide 24 vehicle parking spaces, 12 long-term bicycle parking spaces, and two (2) short-term bicycle parking spaces at the ground level. The project will provide a total of 2,144 square feet of common open space, which consists of a 488 square feet ground floor recreation room and 1,656 square feet from the rear yard. The project proposes the cut and fill of approximately 200 cubic yards of soil and the export of 100 cubic yards of soil. There are no trees on the project site or in the public right-of-way. The project assumes a worst-case scenario of removing all street trees, in the event of changes to the right-of-way improvement plans after approval of the environmental clearance. However, this environmental analysis does not authorize the removal of any street trees without prior approval of Urban Forestry, in compliance with LAMC Sections 62.169 and 62.170 and their applicable findings
Contact Information
Bryant Wu
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
City Planning Associate
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Simon Gwon
Agency Name
Fore Architects
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
432 N. Evergreen Ave.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15332 / Class 32
Reasons for Exemption
A project qualifies for a Class 32 Categorical Exemption if it is developed on an infill site and meets the following criteria:
(a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations;
(b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses;
(c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species;
(d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality; and
(e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services.
As a Transit Oriented Community development, the project qualifies for the Class 32 Categorical Exemption. The site is zoned R2-1-CUGU and has a General Plan Land Use Designation of Low Medium I Residential. As shown in the case file, the project is consistent with the applicable Boyle Heights Community Plan designation and policies and all applicable zoning designations and regulations. The subject site is wholly within the City of Los Angeles, on a site that is approximately 12,040 square feet, which is approximately one-quarter of an acre. The abutting properties to the north are similarly zoned R2-1-CUGU and developed with one story auto shop and a one-story single-family residence. The abutting property to the east is also zoned R2-1- CUGU and is developed with one-story multifamily residential structures. Properties to the west across Evergreen Avenue are zoned RD1.5-1-CUGU and developed with residential structures ranging from one-story single-family residences to multi-story multifamily residential structures.
The site is vacant but surrounded by development and therefore is not, and has no value as, a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. No protected trees are on-site or in the public right-of-way. Should the applicant be required to improve the right-of-way, the applicant will be required to obtain approved plans from the Department of Public Works prior to any work on the right-of-way. As there currently is no approved right-of-way improvement plan and for purposes of conservative analysis and the requirements of CEQA, Planning has analyzed the worst-case potential for removal of all street trees. Note, no street tree or protected tree may be removed without prior approval of the Board of Public Works/Urban Forestry (BPW) under LAMC Sections 62.161 - 62.171. At the time of preparation of this CE, no approvals have been given for any tree removals on-site or in the right-of-way by the Board of Public Works/Urban Forestry.
The project will be subject to Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs), which require compliance with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance; pollutant discharge, dewatering, stormwater mitigations; and Best Management Practices for stormwater runoff. These RCMs will ensure the project will not have significant impacts on noise and water. Furthermore, the project does not exceed the threshold criteria established by LADOT for preparing a transportation study. The calculation from the LADOT Vehicle Miles Travelled Calculator resulted in less than the 250 daily trip threshold. The Los Angeles Department of Transportation confirmed in an email dated July 14, 2023 that a VMT analysis would not be required. Therefore, the project will not have any significant impacts to traffic or transportation.
According to SCAQMD, individual construction projects that do not exceed the SCAQMD’s recommended daily thresholds for project-specific impacts would not cause a cumulatively considerable increase in emissions for those pollutants for which the Air Basin is in non-attainment. Interim thresholds were developed by DCP staff based on CalEEMod model runs relying on reasonable assumptions, consulting with AQMD staff, and surveying published air quality studies for which criteria air pollutants did not exceed the established SCAQMD construction and operational thresholds. Construction-related daily emissions at the project site would not exceed SCAQMD’s regional or localized significance thresholds. Therefore, the project’s contribution to cumulative construction-related regional emissions would not be cumulatively considerable and therefore would be less than significant. Construction of the project also would have a less-than-significant impact with regard to localized emissions.
The project site will be adequately served by all public utilities and services given that the construction of a four-story multi-family residential building will be on a site which has been previously developed and adjacent to parcels which are improved, and as such, there are utilities in place. Therefore, the project meets all of the Criteria for the Class 32. As the project has been found to be categorically exempt from CEQA, the project is not anticipated to have a negative effect on the environment and no mitigation measures are required.
The project complies with Class 32, as it is in-fill development. The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable
general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site
of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species.
Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The site can be adequately served
by all required utilities and public services
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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