1733 North Doheny Drive (ENV-2023-7799-CE)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
1733 North Doheny Drive (ENV-2023-7799-CE)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project includes the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling, garage, and pool with a total square footage of 3,278 square feet, and the construction of a new two-story, single-family dwelling with a basement, attached garage, new retaining walls, and a new pool, with a total residential floor area of 5,103.5 square feet(sf). The project site is on a lot that is approximately 18,053 sf located at 1733 North Doheny Drive and is within the Hollywood Community Plan. The single-family dwelling is proposed to have a building height of 16 feet. In conjunction with the construction of a new two-story, single-family dwelling, the project requests the approval of a haul route for the export of approximately 2,780 cubic yards of earth. Construction of the project will require grading (BHO exempt and non-exempt) consisting of a total cut of 2,504 cubic yards of soil and a total fill of approximately 87 cubic yards of soil, resulting in total export of 2,780 cubic yards of soil with a 25% bulk and swell factor already accounted for.
Additionally, the project proposes the following haul route:
Location of Staging Area: 1733 North Doheny Drive
Location of Disposal Site for Exported Soil: Scholl Canyon Landfill
Loaded Trucks: Right onto Doheny Drive; Right onto Flicker Way; Right onto Cory Avenue; Left onto Sunset Boulevard; Left onto La Brea Avenue; Right onto Franklin Avenue; Left onto Highland
Avenue; Left onto Cahuenga Boulevard; Right onto Barham Boulevard; Right onto Forest Lawn Drive; Right onto CA-134 E Fwy; Exit 11 to North Figueroa Street; Right onto Figueroa Street;
Continue onto Scholl Canyon Road to Scholl Canyon Landfill.
Emptied Trucks: Scholl Canyon Landfill; Continue onto Scholl Canyon Road; Left onto CA-134 E Fwy; Exit 4 for Forest Lawn Drive; Left onto Barham Boulevard; Left onto Cahuenga Boulevard;
Continue onto Highland Avenue; Right onto Franklin Avenue; Left onto La Brea Avenue; Right onto Sunset Boulevard; Right onto Doheny Drive to project site.
Contact Information
Nashya Sadono-Jensen
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
City Planning Associate
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Chloe Parker
Agency Name
Pacific Crest Consultants
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
1733 North Doheny Drive
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 , Class 1 & Class 3
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 consists of the operation , repair, maintenance, permitting , leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of exiting public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical.
A project qualifies for Class 1 Categorical Exemptions if it consists of the demolition of one single-family residence; and a project qualifies for Class 3 Categorical Exemptions if it consists of the
following: demolition and removal of one single-family residences and accessory (appurtenant) structures including, garages, carports, patios swimming pools, and fences; and the construction and location of a limited number of new, small facilities or structures, which include one single-family residence and accessory (appurtenant) structures including garages, carports, patios,
swimming pools, and fences. As the project proposes the demolition of a single-family residence, garage, and pool, along with the construction of a single-family residence and new pool, it meets
the qualifications of both Class 1 and Class 3 Categorical Exemptions.
The Director of Planning determined that, based on the whole of the administrative record, the project is exempt from CEQA pursuant to State CEQA Statutes and Guidelines, Section 15301 (Class 1) and Section 15303 (Class 3) and that there is no substantial evidence demonstrating that an exception to a Categorical Exemption pursuant to CEQA Guidelines, Section 15300.2 applies.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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