JCSD FY 23/24 Annual Waterline and Sewer Replacement Project (44th Street Area) JSCD Project No. C245118
SCH Number
Public Agency
Jurupa Community Services District
Document Title
JCSD FY 23/24 Annual Waterline and Sewer Replacement Project (44th Street Area) JSCD Project No. C245118
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The purpose of this project is to replace approximately 11,550 linear feet (LF) of aged pipelines within the City of Jurupa Valley, California.
The pipeline replacement project entails the following improvements:
1. 44th Street: Abandon approximately 1,330 LF of existing 6-inch diameter concrete mortar lined wrapped (CML/W) water pipeline in place and replace it with approximately 1,330 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC water pipeline. Remove approximately 550 LF of 8-inch diameter verified clay pipe (VCP) sewer pipeline and replace it with 8-inch diameter PVC pipeline at the same elevation.
2. 45th Street: Abandon approximately 1,555 LF of existing 8-inch diameter CML/W water pipeline in place and replace it with 1,555 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC water pipeline.
3. Agate Street: Abandon approximately 2,710 LF of existing 8-inch diameter CML/W water pipeline in place and replace it with 2,710 LF of 12-inch diameter PVC water pipeline. Remove approximately 845 LF of 8-inch diameter VCP sewer pipeline and replace it with 8-inch diameter PVC sewer pipeline at the same elevation.
4. Clearview Place: Abandon approximately 750 LF of existing 6-inch diameter asbestos concrete pipe (ACP) water line and replace with 750 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC water pipeline.
5. Galena Street: Abandon approximately 1,385 LF of existing 10-inch diameter CML/W water pipeline in place and replace with 1,385 LF of 12-inch diameter PVC water pipeline. Remove approximately 665 feet of 8-inch diameter VCP sewer pipeline and replace it with 665 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC sewer pipeline at the same elevation.
6. Tammy Lane: Abandon approximately 420 LF of existing 2-inch diameter steel water pipeline and replace it with approximately 420 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC water pipeline in a future easement. Remove approximately 405 LF of existing 6-inch diameter VCP sewer pipeline and replace it with 405 LF of 8-inch diameter PVC sewer pipeline at the same elevation.
7. Tourmaline Court: Abandon approximately 930 feet of existing 6-inch diameter water line and replace with approximately 930 feet of 8-inch diameter water line.
8. Pedley Road: Abandon existing 6-inch diameter CML/W water pipeline and move services to adjacent existing 12-inch diameter water pipeline, install 12-inch water connection to existing system.
The project consists of trenching, backfill and compaction work to facilitate the replacement of existing sewer and water pipelines and appurtenant structures and connections to the existing sewer system. Restoration of surfaces to their original condition will be performed as well as protection and support of existing above and below grade facilities and utilities.
Beneficiaries of the project are Jurupa Community Service District costumers, which include residential and commercial uses.
Contact Information
Eddie Rhee
Agency Name
Jurupa Community Services District
Job Title
Engineer Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Jurupa Valley
Cross Streets
44th Street, 45th Street, Agate Street, Clearview Place, Galena Street, Tammy Lane...
Jurupa Valley Middle, Glen Avon Elementary, Patriot High
6 West
Other Location Info
The project is within the Jurupa Community
Services District, in the City of Jurupa Valley,
County of Riverside and consists of the
replacement of several sewer and water
pipelines located in 44th Street, 45th Street,
Agate Street, Clearview Place, Galena Street,
Tammy Lane, Tourmaline Court, and Pedley
Road. Refer to attached Figure 1 -Vicinity
Map, Figure 2 - Water Pipeline Replacement,
and Figure 3 - Sewer Pipeline Replacement.
The project site is located within Section 11,
Township 2, and Range 6 west, San Bernardino
Base and Meridian
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2 Exemption - Replacement or reconstruction (§15302(c))
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project is part of JCSD’s annual replacement program and will replace existing aged pipelines by replacing approximately 9,085 LF feet of 2-inch, 6-inch, 8-inch, or 12-inch diameter CML/W, ACP, and steel water pipelines with 8-inch and 12inch diameter PVC water pipelines and approximately 2,465 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch diameter VCP sewer lines with 6-inch and 8-inch diameter PVC sewer pipelines in the same locations.
The Class 2 Categorical Exemption is for the replacement or reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced, including but not limited to replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity. (CEQA Guidelines §15302(c)) Although certain water pipelines will be replaced with larger diameter pipelines, these replacements are to replace aged facilities to conform to District standards and would not result in an increase in capacity.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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