Rubicon Wells 2 & 3 Backup Power Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Tahoe City Public Utility District
Document Title
Rubicon Wells 2 & 3 Backup Power Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project consists of construction of a building to house a permanent backup generator, associated electrical equipment, and chlorine injection system to serve the existing Rubicon Wells 2 & 3. The project will include minor improvements to the existing well facilities involving no expansion of capacity. The project benefits public health and safety through improved fire protection and water supply.
Contact Information
Celeste Havener, P.E.
Agency Name
Tahoe City PUD
Job Title
Associate Civil Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
El Dorado
Northern California
Cross Streets
The intersection of Cedar-Ridge Road and Lakeview Drive.
Other Location Info
South of Meeks Bay, at the intersection of Cedar-Ridge Road and Lakeview Drive. Specifically at APN 016-321-011.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15302(c), 15303
Reasons for Exemption
15302(c): Replacement or reconstruction of existing utility systems and/or facilities involving negligible or no expansion of capacity.
15303. New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures
Class 3 consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure…(d) Water main, sewage, electrical, gas, and other utility extensions, including street improvements, of reasonable length to serve such construction.
County Clerk
El Dorado
Notice of Exemption
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