Avenue 280 Road Widening Project – Segment 2 Storm Drain System and Ponding Basins


SCH Number
Public Agency
Tulare County
Document Title
Avenue 280 Road Widening Project – Segment 2 Storm Drain System and Ponding Basins
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Project consists of installing a storm drain collection system and ponding basins to accommodate surface runoff resulting from increased impervious surface area associated with the Avenue 280 Widening Project – Segment 2 (Project). The Project will keep the corridor clear of roadside and localized flooding. Storm runoff within the County right of way will be collected in an underground storm drain piping system, and conveyed to ponding basins for storage where the water will percolate to the groundwater aquifer or evaporate. The storm drain system will be designed to accommodate the runoff within the limits of the County right way, and possibly adjacent tributary areas as deemed feasible. The storm drain system is split into two separate sub-systems, the primary system which will drain the area west of the Tulare Irrigation District Canal, and the secondary system which will drain the area east of the Tulare Irrigation District Canal. The primary system would handle about 90% of the runoff while the secondary system would handle about 10% of the runoff. The primary system includes inlets, manholes, laterals and mains ranging in size from 18-inch to 42-inch, and a ponding basin on APN 127-020-010 (Alice Elliot/Trust). The ponding basin is designed, and will be constructed, to accommodate a 10-year 10-day storm event by providing a capacity of approximately 12.5 acre-feet. To accommodate the required design capacity, the footprint of the proposed basin will be approximately 2.2 acres with a depth of approximately ten (10) feet. The inside slope of the pond will be 3H:1V. There will be ten (10) foot wide embankments and fences along the entire perimeter around the pond. The secondary system includes inlets, manholes, laterals and mains ranging in size from 18-inch to 24-inch, and a ponding basin on APN 130-040-002 (Harold D. Clements, Trustee). The ponding basin is designed, and will be constructed, to accommodate a 10-year 10-day storm event by providing a capacity of approximately 1.67 acre-feet. To accommodate the required design capacity, the footprint of the proposed basin will be approximately 1.28 acres with a depth of approximately ten (10) feet. The inside slope of the pond will be 3H:1V. There will be ten (10) foot wide embankments and fences along the entire perimeter around the pond. This Project would provide a public benefit by improving safety and security of the public by improving the transportation infrastructure (in the form of flood control efforts through construction of a storm drain system and ponding basins) for the general population in the region and users of Avenue 280 (Caldwell Avenue).

Contact Information

Michael Winton
Agency Name
County of Tulare, Resource Management Agency
Job Title
Engineer IV
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


unincorporated area of Farmersville and Visalia
Parcel #
130-040-002, 127-020-010.
Other Location Info
Avenue 280 from Road 140 (Lovers Lane) to S. Virginia Avenue

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1, 14 CCR 15301 (c) – public safety improvement to an existing roadway
Reasons for Exemption
The installation of a storm drain system and ponding basin will bolster public health, safety, and general warfare of the public by controlling storm runoff, reducing roadside flooding, and eliminating nuisance water from the public right of way. The addition of a storm drain system and ponding basins to the Avenue 280 Widening Project Segment 2 is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines because they are included in the County’s list of activities specifically exempted from CEQA review pursuant to 14 CCR § 15300.4 as roadway improvements, and are also exempt from CEQA review as a public safety improvement to an existing roadway pursuant to Class 1, 14 CCR 15301 (c).

Exempt Status
Statutory Exemption
Type, Section or Code
14 CCR § 15300.4 – roadway improvements included in County’s list of activities specifically exempted from CEQA review
Reasons for Exemption
The installation of a storm drain system and ponding basin will bolster public health, safety, and general warfare of the public by controlling storm runoff, reducing roadside flooding, and eliminating nuisance water from the public right of way. The addition of a storm drain system and ponding basins to the Avenue 280 Widening Project Segment 2 is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines because they are included in the County’s list of activities specifically exempted from CEQA review pursuant to 14 CCR § 15300.4 as roadway improvements, and are also exempt from CEQA review as a public safety improvement to an existing roadway pursuant to Class 1, 14 CCR 15301 (c).
County Clerk


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