Santa Clara River Rally Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-LAN-49240-R5)


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW)
Document Title
Santa Clara River Rally Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-LAN-49240-R5)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has executed Streambed Alteration Agreement No. EPIMS-LAN-49240-R5, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the City of Santa Clarita. The Project is limited to five trash cleanup events throughout the term of the Streambed Alteration Agreement. The events will be organized by the City of Santa Clarita at four potential locations along the Santa Clara River. These events will occur between September 1 and September 30. Utilizing help from members of the public as volunteers, the River Rally will be a day-long event that involves people entering the riverbed to remove trash and debris. This trash will then be deposited at predetermined locations to be collected by a loader and transported to a 40-yard bin located in urbanized areas outside of the stream. Prior to each event, the volunteers will be instructed by the Designated Biologist on sensitive natural resources and techniques to minimize impact to said resources.

Contact Information

Riley Scott
Agency Name
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region
Job Title
Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
The Santa Clara River Rally (Project) is located at four potential locations on the Santa Clara River in the County of Los Angeles, State of California; William S. Hart Fields (Lat: 34.421761, Long: -118.554241), Newhall Community Center (Lat: 34.380356, Long: -118.525567), Wiley Canyon Road (Lat: 34.393739, Long: -118.540868), and Canyon Country Community Center (Lat: 34.412812, Long: - 118.471561).

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Type – Class 7, 8; California Code of Regulations, title 14, section 15307, 15308
Reasons for Exemption
Class 7 – Class 7 consists of actions taken by regulatory agencies as authorized by state law or local ordinance to assure the maintenance, restoration, or enhancement of a natural resource where the regulatory process involves procedures for protection of the environment. Examples include but are not limited to wildlife preservation activities of the State Department of Fish and Game. Construction activities are not included in this exemption. This Project involves cleaning up trash at various locations on the Santa Clara River which is beneficial to natural resources. Class 8 – Class 8 consists of actions taken by regulatory agencies, as authorized by state or local ordinance, to assure the maintenance, restoration, enhancement, or protection of the environment where the regulatory process involves procedures for protection of the environment. Construction activities and relaxation of standards allowing environmental degradation are not included in this exemption. This Project involves cleaning up trash at various locations on the Santa Clara River which is beneficial to the environment.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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