Regional Groundwater Facilities Improvement Project – Phase I: Test Wells (Project 308-24)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Zone 7 Water Agency
Document Title
Regional Groundwater Facilities Improvement Project – Phase I: Test Wells (Project 308-24)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
As part of Zone 7 Water Agency’s (Zone 7) continuing effort to supply the Livermore-Amador Valley with safe, reliable water, Zone 7 and the City of Pleasanton (City) are working together to evaluate the feasibility of installing up to three additional municipal supply wells in the Bernal Subbasin of the Livermore Valley Groundwater Basin, in Pleasanton. Phase 1 of the project explores the feasibility of groundwater development in Pleasanton, at locations outside of the known footprint of PFAS concentrations. Specifically, individual test wells will be drilled and constructed at up to three different locations within the City of Pleasanton; these locations have been already developed for public use such as parking lot and landscaped areas. Each completed well will be tested for water production capacity and water quality in order to assess the feasibility of the construction of future production wells which would occur in a future phase of the project. A staging site near the City of Pleasanton’s S-6 booster pump station will be used to stage materials and equipment. See Figure 1 for locations. Construction at each test well location involves the following: (1) drill an exploratory boring to 800 feet below ground surface (bgs), (2) run a geophysical log to assess the lithology, and (3) construct an 8-inch diameter mild steel casing wells within the exploratory boring at depths based on the lithology encountered. The work will be completed by a C-57 licensed driller using mud rotary drilling techniques. A support truck, mud shaker, and watertight roll-off bin to contain spoils will also be used during construction at each site. Each test well project site will be approximately 120 feet by 100 feet. After the wells are constructed, they will be developed to ensure communication with the aquifer. Following well construction and development, the wells will be pumped and tested for several days to evaluate aquifer characteristics and collect waterquality samples which will be analyzed. Each well will be secured with a locking cap. The final well completion will consist of an approximately 18-inch diameter cover that will be installed flush with the surrounding area to secure the well. The well at Site A will be constructed in a parking lot and will be secured with a traffic-rated cover. The wells at Site B and Site C will be constructed within grass fields in the parks and will be secured using a standard cover. The staging location consisting of an area approximately 100’ x 40’ will be located off West Las Positas Boulevard near the City’s S-6 Booster Station and will be used to stage materials and equipment throughout the duration of the project. The work sites are located within City of Pleasanton owned public parks adjacent to residential neighborhoods. Zone 7 is coordinating with the City of Pleasanton parks department staff to minimize any inconvenience for public use of the park facilities. Traffic and pedestrian control plans will be approved by the city, and implemented, if necessary, at each site. Each work site will be enclosed and secured. The project will abide by the local noise ordinance and strict work start and stop times will be enforced. Implementation of noise attenuation structures, such as sound walls, may be used to meet noise ordinance requirements. Sound levels will be actively monitored on-site to ensure project noise does not exceed the local noise ordnances. The work is expected to start in late October 2024 and take 7 months. Each test well site is expected to take approximately 6 weeks to complete with intermittent breaks between sites and breaks between the construction and well testing phase. Once completed, the finished test wells will be situated in 3 feet by 3 feet utility vaults flushed with the surface and areas will be restored to the original conditions.

Contact Information

Elke Rank
Agency Name
Zone 7 Water Agency
Job Title
Senior Water Resources Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Parties Undertaking Project


Cross Streets
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Hwy 84
Livermore Municipal
Foothill HS, Harvest Park Middle School, Walnut Grove Elementary
Arroyo de la Laguna, Arroyo Valle, Pleasanton Canal
Other Location Info
Site A: Pleasanton Tennis and Community Park, eastern parking lot Site B: Del Prado Park, south side of park near Hansen Drive Site C: Hansen Park, western-most corner near Hansen Drive / Calle Ricardo Staging: Pleasanton S-6 Pump Station, West Las Positas Boulevard near Alamo Canal

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
15303. NEW CONSTRUCTION OR CONVERSION OF SMALL STRUCTURES. Construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. 15306. INFORMATION COLLECTION. Basic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded None of the conditions noted under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines 15300.2 (as revised) will occur. Furthermore, this project will not result in potential for significant environmental impacts because: The project sites will look and function the same (or nearly) as it has in the past. Work will be limited to the smallest footprint practicable. There will be minimal native ground disturbance. Work is within City of Pleasanton’s property and will have minimal construction related nuisances to local residents, businesses, or recreational areas, such as disruptions to traffic and increased noise or dust, etc. Best Management Practices will be employed during construction to reduce the potential for localized erosion or impact to water quality. No impacts to sensitive habitat or wildlife are expected. City noise and traffic rules will be followed. There is not a reasonable possibility that the project could result in a significant impact.
County Clerk


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