Eastside Phase 2 - Potholing and Geotechnical Investigation
SCH Number
Public Agency
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Document Title
Eastside Phase 2 - Potholing and Geotechnical Investigation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Authority (Metro) is proposing Eastside Phase 2 Project - Potholing and Geotechnical Investigation (Project), which will provide a potholing and a subsurface geotechnical investigation that is intended to inform the temporary and permanent Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) design elements of the Eastside Phase 2 Project.
Contact Information
Tom Kefalas
Agency Name
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LSCMTA)
Job Title
Executive Officer - Environmental Services Department
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Commerce, Los Angeles, Montebello
Los Angeles
Metro E Line Light Rail
Other Location Info
Along various city streets (including but not limited to East 3rd Street, South Altantic Boulevard, Smithway Street East Washington Boulevard) in East Los Angeles and the cities of Commerce, Montebello.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15306, Class 6, Information Collection
Reasons for Exemption
The Project would not result in an adverse effect on the environment because the proposed work requires potholing for utility locations and a geotechnical investigation that is strictly for information gathering purposes as part of Metro’s determination towards informing the temporary and permanent LPA design elements of the Eastside Phase 2 Project and would be consistent with the requirements of Section 15306 of the CEQA Guidelines qualifying the Project for a Class 6, Information Collection, categorical exemption.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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