Park View (ENV-2023--5425-CE)
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
Park View (ENV-2023--5425-CE)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project is for the construction, use, and maintenance of a new, five-story, 32-unit apartment building on an approximately 16,017 square-foot site. The project will have a total floor area of 44,889 square feet with a unit mix of eight (8) one-bedroom units and 24 two-bedroom units. The applicant proposes to reserve eight (8) percent, or three (3) units, for Extremely Low-Income Households. The proposed building will rise to a height of 68 feet. The project will include 30 vehicular parking spaces provided across one (1) subterranean parking level and one (1) ground floor parking level and 35 bicycle parking spaces, including 32 long-term spaces and three (3) short-term spaces. There will be 4,003 square feet of open space provided as a 633-squarefoot technology room on the first floor and a 2,170-square-foot roof deck, as well as 1,200 square feet provided as private open space through balconies. There are no protected trees on-site as indicated in the Tree Report (Attachment A), prepared by James Komen BCMA WE-9909B and RCA #555 and dated July 20, 2023. There are 27 non-protected trees on site and three (3) of non-protected trees in the right-of-way. All 27 on-site trees are proposed to be removed, and one (1) street tree is proposed to be removed. The project is required to provide a minimum of eight (8) trees that are at least 24-inch box in size. The project proposes to provide nine (9) trees, of which two (2) are proposed to be planted in the right-of-way, and seven (7) will be planted on-site. As there are no approved right-of-way improvement plans, the project considered will assume the worst-case scenario of removal of all street trees. However, this analysis gives no rights to the applicant to remove any street tree. No street trees may be removed without prior approval of Urban Forestry based on compliance with LAMC Section 62.169 and 62.170 and applicable findings. In conjunction with the construction of the apartment building, the Project submitted an application for a haul route for the export of approximately 15,501 cubic yards of earth. A project requires a haul route when a site is located in a Special Bureau of Engineering (BOE) Grading Area and involves the import or export of earth material of 1,000 cubic yards or more. The subject site is located within a Special Bureau of Engineering (BOE) Grading Area and proposes 15,501 cubic yards of earth for export; thus, a haul route is required. Specific Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs) in the City of Los Angeles regulation the grading and construction of projects in this particular type of “sensitive” locations and will reduce any potential impacts to less than significant.
Contact Information
Marie Pichat
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
City Planning Associate
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Shahab Ghods
Agency Name
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Other Location Info
126-132 North Park View Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026
Other Information
David Ravanshenas, Park View Capital LLC
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15332 / Class 32
Reasons for Exemption
(a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with the applicable zoning designation and regulations. The site is located within the Westlake Community Plan. It is zoned R3-1 with a General Plan Land Use Designation of Medium Residential. Per the Westlake Community Plan, the corresponding zone for Medium Residential land use is R3. Additionally, the site is located within a Transit Priority Area (ZI-2452), State Enterprise Zone (ZI-2374), Hillside Area, Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone, Methane Zone, and Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grids Map A-13372). The site is located within 500 feet of Lake Street Primary School. Additionally, the site is approximately 1.68 km from the Upper Elysian Park Fault. As shown in the case file, the project is consistent with the applicable Westlake Community Plan designation and policies and all applicable zoning designations and regulations. The site is not located within the boundaries of or subject to any specific plan, community design overlay, or interim control ordinance. In addition, no Zone Changes, Zone Variances, or Specific Plan Exceptions are required for this project. (b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The project site is wholly within the City of Los Angeles, on a site that is comprised of two (2) contiguous lots that are approximately 0.367 acres (16,017 square feet), which is less than five acres. Lots adjacent to the subject site are developed with commercial uses, and single and multi-family residences. (c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species. The project site is previously disturbed and surrounded by development and therefore is not, and has no value as, a habitat for endangered, rare or threatened species. Furthermore, there are no protected tree or shrub species on the site or in the adjacent right-of-way as identified in the Tree Report, prepared by James Komen BCMA WE-9909B and RCA #555 and dated July 20, 2023. There are 27 non-protected trees on-site and three (3) non-protected trees in the right-of-way. All of the on-site trees are proposed for removal, and one (1) tree in the right-of-way is proposed for removal. As there are no approved right-of-way improvement plans, the project considered will assume the worst-case scenario of removal of all street trees. However, this analysis gives no rights to the applicant to remove any street tree. No street trees shall be removed without prior approval of Urban Forestry based on compliance with LAMC Section 62.169 and 62.170 and applicable findings. (d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. The project will be subject to Regulatory Compliance Measures (RCMs), which require compliance with the City of Los Angeles Noise Ordinance, pollutant discharge, dewatering, stormwater mitigations; and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for stormwater runoff. These RCMs regulate impacts related to construction and operational noise and will ensure the project will not have significant impacts on noise and water. Furthermore, the project site was not identified as a Hazardous Waste Site, according to Envirostor, the State of California’s database of Hazardous Waste Sites. The project site is also located within the Los Angeles City Methane Zone, which indicates that naturally occurring methane may be present in the subsurface at the site. Regulatory Compliance Measures during permitting will address any potential impacts from the project’s location in the Methane Zone. Therefore, no issues that are considered likely to have a materially significant impact on the site. the project will not create any hazardous impact and this exception does not apply. Furthermore, a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) calculator analysis (Attachment B) shows that the project generates 134 daily vehicle trips and does not exceed the threshold criteria established by the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) of 250 daily vehicle trips for preparing a traffic study. Therefore, the project will not have any significant impacts to traffic. Interim thresholds were developed by DCP staff based on CalEEMod model runs relying on reasonable assumptions, consulting with AQMD staff, and surveying published air quality studies for which criteria air pollutants did not exceed the established SCAQMD construction and operational thresholds. Given that the project is located within a Special Bureau of Engineering (BOE) Grading Area, specifically the following RCM would apply: • Regulatory Compliance Measure RC-GEO-2 (Hillside Grading Area): The grading plan shall conform with the City's Landform Grading Manual guidelines, subject to approval by the Advisory Agency and the Department of Building and Safety's Grading Division. Appropriate erosion control and drainage devices shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Building and Safety Department. These measures include interceptor terraces, berms, vee-channels, and inlet and outlet structures, as specified by Section 91.7013 of the Building Code, including planting fast-growing annual and perennial grasses in areas where construction is not immediately planned. Therefore, the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. (e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The project site will be adequately served by all public utilities and services given that the construction of a new 32-unit apartment development will be on a site which has been previously developed and is consistent with the General Plan. Therefore, the project meets all the criteria for the Class 32 Exemption.
County Clerk
Los Angeles
Notice of Exemption
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