Otay Ranch High School Perimeter Fencing Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sweetwater Union High School District
Document Title
Otay Ranch High School Perimeter Fencing Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project would consist of installing new decorative fencing, repainting existing fencing, and demolishing existing chain link fencing. Additionally, the project would consist of constructing a new plaza with new landscaping, realigning an existing fire lane, expanding existing walkways with new curbs, and constructing two new ADA drop-off areas. Project details are further discussed below. FENCING AND GATES The proposed project would repaint the existing decorative fencing along the northern and eastern side of the campus to match the existing decorative fencing. Sections of the existing decorative fencing and posts where they are rusted beyond repair would be replaced and painted. The proposed project would replace and paint or repaint approximately 3,187 feet worth of decorative fencing. New decorative fencing would also be installed on the northern and eastern sides of the campus. Approximately 873 feet of new decorative fencing would be installed along the northern side of the campus’ main entrance at Santa Venetia Street and The Ranch Way. A new automatic vehicular gate with a knox box would be installed adjacent to the northern parking lot and would provide for fire department access. Additionally, new decorative fencing would be installed just north and east of the Administration Building (100) to the east, in front of the Social Science Building (400), then to the north toward Santa Venetia Street in front of the Arts/LC Building (350). Three pedestrian entrance/exit gates and two maintenance cart entrance/exit gates would be installed. New decorative fencing, one pedestrian entrance/exit with a buzzer/camera connection to the main office, one maintenance cart entrance/exit, and a new vehicular gate with a knox box that would provide for fire department access would be installed approximately 120 feet to the east of the Gymnasium (Building 1500). Decorative fencing and a maintenance cart entrance/exit would also be installed just south of the southeastern corner of the parking lot on the eastern side of the project site. A new chain link vehicular gate would be installed north of the driveway at Calle Avila and Santa Victoria Road, between the Mathematics (600) and Science (500) Buildings. Additionally, a new chain link maintenance cart entrance/exit would be installed in between the northern softball field and eastern baseball field. Existing chain link fencing would be demolished northwest of the track and field and southwest of the Mathematics Building (600). NEW PLAZA AND FIRE LANE REALIGNMENT A new plaza would be constructed to the west of the Mathematics Building (600). The new plaza would be a multi-level area and include stairs, a sloped walkway, and would be landscaped. To accommodate the new plaza, the northeast corner of the existing fire lane surrounding the Gymnasium (Building 1500) would be realigned. Specifically, the realigned portion of the fire lane would not be reduced in width but would be moved slightly southwest of its current location. WALKWAY EXPANSION AND ADA DROPOFF Existing walkways in the north and eastern sides of the project site would be expanded to create a wider and more fluid pedestrian circulation and to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility standards. Four walkway areas on the northern side of the project site would be expanded. These include walkways to the north of the Administration Building (100); a walkway in between the Administration (100) and Social Science (400) Buildings; a walkway to the north of the Social Science Building (400); and a walkway in between the Social Science (400) and Arts/LC (350) Buildings. A new walkway would be constructed to the east of the Gymnasium (1500). The proposed walkway would be concrete with sidewalks and infill curb cuts at both ends of the existing pedestrian crossing. The walkway would accommodate foot traffic from the existing east side parking lot to the Gymnasium (1500) and the rest of the campus. Two new ADA accessible passenger drop off areas would be constructed. One of the ADA accessible passenger drop off areas would be southwest of the main entrance at the intersection of Santa Venetia Street and The Ranch Way and to the east of the Library Building (150). The other ADA accessible passenger drop off areas would be south of the Library Building (600) and north of the existing 89-parking space parking lot on the western side of the campus. These drop-off areas would serve as a drop-off area for ADA passengers. Overall, the proposed project would benefit the Otay Ranch HS students, staff, and the general community by providing enhanced infrastructure, ADA accessibility, and security and would beautify the campus. CONSTRUCTION Construction of the proposed improvements is tentatively scheduled to be implemented in April 2025 and is anticipated to last approximately four months, ending in July 2025. All construction equipment and workers would be located within the boundaries of the campus and contractors would adhere to construction noise regulations to avoid disruption to campus operations.

Contact Information

Jason Brust
Agency Name
Sweetwater Union High School District
Job Title
Director of Planning & Construction
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Chula Vista
San Diego
Citywide, Countywide, Southern California
Cross Streets
Olympic Parkway and Santa Venetia Street
State Highways
SR 125
Multiple offsite wetland features
Other Location Info
The proposed project would be implemented at the Otay Ranch HS campus, located at 1250 Olympic Parkway in the city of Chula Vista (City). The campus is bordered by a mix of single-family and multi-family residential uses to the north, east, west, and south. Montecito Park is to the south of the campus and Chula Vista Fire Department Station Number 7 is to the northeast of the campus at the intersection of Santa Venetia Street and La Media Road. Regional access to the campus is provided by California State Route 125 approximately one mile to the east and Interstate 805 approximately 22.5 miles to the west. The project site is entirely within the boundaries of the Otay Ranch HS campus. Campus improvements would occur throughout the campus.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Classes 15301, 15302, 15303, and 15311
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed project would consist of repainting and replacing portions of existing fencing, demolishing existing chain link fencing, and installing new fencing and gates. Existing decorative fencing around the campus would undergo maintenance which would include being repainted to match the existing color. Additionally, existing chain link fencing northwest of the track and field and southwest of the Mathematics Building (600) would be demolished. New fencing and gates would be installed in the project site. As a result of the project, no increase in student enrollment would occur. Therefore, these components of the proposed project would be exempt from CEQA under Section 15301. The proposed project would replace existing decorative fencing, realign an existing fire lane, and expand existing concrete walkways and install new curbs. Decorative fencing surrounds the northern, eastern, and western sides of the project site. Portions of the existing fencing would be replaced and painted if the fence is deemed rusted beyond repair. The northeast corner of the existing fire lane surrounding the Gymnasium (1500) would be realigned slightly southwest of its current location and would not decrease in width. The fire lane would be realigned to accommodate a proposed plaza, west of the Mathematics Building (600). Existing walkways on the northern and eastern sides of the project site would be expanded to allow wider and more fluid pedestrian circulation and to comply with ADA accessibility standards. New curbs would also be constructed on the eastern side of the project site where the proposed expanded walkway would be located. The proposed replacement decorative fencing, newly aligned fire lane, and expanded walkways and curbs would have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the existing fencing, fire lane, and walkways and curbs. Therefore, these components of the proposed project would be exempt from CEQA under Section 15302. The proposed project would install new decorative fencing, install new decorative and chain link vehicular, pedestrian, and maintenance cart gates, construct a new plaza with landscaping, and construct a new ADA drop-off area. The new decorative fencing would be in the northern and eastern sides of the campus. Two new vehicular decorative gates would be installed in the northern and eastern sides of the project site. Five new pedestrian decorative gates with knox boxes and a buzzer and camera would be installed in the northern and eastern sides of the campus. Three new decorative maintenance cart gates would be installed in the northern and eastern sides of the campus. Additionally, two chain link gates, including one vehicular gate with a knox box and one maintenance cart gate, would be installed on the eastern side of the campus. A new plaza with landscaping would be constructed west of the Mathematics Building (600) and two new ADA drop-off areas would be constructed on the northern side and the eastern side of the project site. The decorative fencing and gates and chain link gates would provide additional security to the campus. The new plaza and landscaping would be accessory uses to the campus, and the new ADA drop-off areas would comply with the ADA accessibility requirements. Therefore, these components of the proposed project are exempt from CEQA under Section 15303. The proposed project would include the construction of a new plaza with landscaping. The new plaza would include stairs, a sloped walkway, and would be landscaped. The new plaza would be constructed to the west of the Mathematics Building (600). The plaza would serve as an accessory structure for the campus and support existing uses onsite. Therefore, these components of the proposed project would be exempt from CEQA under Section 15311. See Attachment to Notice of Exemption for further explanation of the evaluation, which is available at the Sweetwater Union High School District Office, 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911.
County Clerk
San Diego


Notice of Exemption

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