Castle Park High School Building and Site Improvements Project


SCH Number
Public Agency
Sweetwater Union High School District
Document Title
Castle Park High School Building and Site Improvements Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The District proposes to construct a new classroom building, redevelop the student quad, and improve access and circulation at Castle Park High School. The new classroom building will require the demolition of existing classroom buildings 900 and 1200b and removal of two portable classrooms, a portable restroom building and the attached walkway canopies, including the canopy attached to the adjacent classroom building (building 1200). The existing uses inside buildings 900 and 1200b will be relocated to the new building. The new building will be two stories at approximately 31 feet with a total of 13 classrooms (which includes the art classroom), administrative/counseling offices, an ASB workroom, and restrooms. The proposed project will result in a net increase of nine classrooms and will not increase student enrollment. The new classroom building’s design is consistent with the Secretary of Standards (SOI) Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, specifically standards 9 and 10 for new construction. The existing student quad at the center of campus will be redeveloped and require the removal of the existing shade structures, tables, concrete benches, landscaping (including trees), stage, walkways and asphalt paving. The redeveloped quad will be in the same area with redesigned walkways, light posts, new ornamental landscaping (turf, trees, boulders) and paving, new tables and concrete tables and benches, six shade structures, and a new stage. The new stage will be elevated and include stairs with hand railing and will be covered by two shade structures/overhead canopy, as well as a light pole and tree planter on both sides of the stage. A flagpole will be placed at the northeast corner of the proposed stage area. Additionally, a small artificial turf area will be installed behind the new building. Various access and circulation improvements will occur on the CPHS campus, including along the front of the CPHS campus. To provide improved access to the existing fire lane, existing trash and recycling dumpsters, storage counters will be removed from the fire line behind Building 1200. The existing chain link fence and rolling gate at the east of campus (behind Building 1200) will be replaced with new fencing and service gate in its place. The fire lane segment from the two stairways behind the existing buildings 900 and 1200 will receive new vehicular grade concrete paving. Additionally, the modular restroom east of parking lot B, above the fire lane, will be removed. Access and circulation improvements to the front of campus include safety signage; sidewalk improvements from parking lot B to the front of campus; restriping of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) parking stalls within parking lots A and B. A new ramp will be constructed, connecting the sidewalk along Hilltop Drive to Parking lot A and will include a newly stripped crosswalk to an on-campus sidewalk. A new PV battery storage unit will be installed adjacent to parking lot D. Overall, the proposed project would benefit the CPHS students, staff, and the general community by providing enhanced educational and athletic facilities.

Contact Information

Jason Brust
Agency Name
Sweetwater Union High School District
Job Title
Director of Planning & Construction
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Chula Vista
San Diego
Citywide, Countywide, Southern California
Cross Streets
Hilltop Drive and E Rienstra Street
Total Acres
Parcel #
7601061500 and 6201302100
State Highways
MTS Trolley Line
Multiple offsite wetland features
Other Location Info
The Castle Park High School (HS) campus at 1395 Hilltop Drive (Assessor Parcel Number [APN] 7601061500 and 6201302100), in the city of Chula Vista (City). The City is surrounded by the City of National City, and unincorporated San Diego County to the north; the City of Coronado and the San Diego Bay and to west; Imperial Beach to the southwest; the City of San Diego to the south, and unincorporated San Diego County to the east. The campus is bordered by residential properties and East Prospect Street to the north, Hilltop Drive to the west, East Rienstra Street to the south, and residential uses to the east. Single-family homes and multi-family homes are across Hilltop Drive; and single-family homes and commercial uses are across East Rienstra Street. Interstate 805 (I-805) is approximately 0.90 miles east, and Interstate 5 (I-5) is approximately 2.25 miles west of the campus.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Classes 15301, 15302, 15303, and 15314
Reasons for Exemption
The proposed removal of the trash and recycling dumpsters, storage counters, and modular restroom; and improvements to the fire lane, sidewalk (including ADA access improvements), and parking lot restriping are exempt from CEQA under Class 1, Existing Facilities (Section 15301). The new vehicular grade concrete paving for the fire lane, the parking lot restriping and sidewalk improvements are exterior alterations of existing school facilities on campus to improve the safety and access of campus and will not expand the use. The removal of the existing trash and recycling dumpsters, and storage counters will be considered a minor alteration. Additionally, the removal of the modular restroom under Section 15301 L(4) of the 2024 CEQA Guidelines will be considered “removal of individual small structures…”. Since the campus improvements are located in the same site and do not involve the expansion of use, the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15301. The proposed replacement of the student quad area, including walkways, light posts, new ornamental landscaping (turf, trees, boulders) and paving, new tables and concrete tables and benches, shade structures, and a new stage, and the chain link fence and rolling gate are exempt from CEQA under Class 2, Replacement or Reconstruction (Section 15302). The existing student quad area will be redesigned and reconstructed for continued student use. The chain link fence and rolling gate will replace the existing structure and continue to serve the same purpose. The improvements to the student quad area, chain link fence and rolling gate will be removed and replaced by similar structures in the same site and continue to serve the same purpose, the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15302. The proposed PV battery storage, quad and access improvements, such as light poles, six shade structures, stage area, hand railings, safety signage, ramp and the small turf area with two walkway lights are exempt from CEQA under Class 3, New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures (Section 15303). The proposed light poles, six shade structures, stage area, hand railings, safety signage, ramp, and two walkway lights are small new structures that will be located within the school campus. The construction of the small turf area located behind the new building 900 will be considered a small facility. The construction of the small PV battery storage located at northern end of Parking lot D will be considered an installation of a small new equipment. The improvements will be located on campus to serve students and not increase student capacity; the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15303. The proposed construction of the new 13 classroom two-story classroom building, which would represent a net increase of nine classrooms on campus, is exempt from CEQA under class 14, Minor Additions to Schools (Section 15314). The proposed project will not increase student enrollment and will serve the existing students at CPHS. Nevertheless, CPHS campus serves up to 1,500 students. With a classroom loading of 25 students per classroom, a net increase of nine classrooms would represent a 15 percent increase in student enrollment capacity. Since the new building is located within the same campus and will not increase the school classrooms by ten or student capacity by more than 25 percent, the project is exempt from CEQA under Section 15314. See Attachment to Notice of Exemption for further explanation of the evaluation, which is available at the Sweetwater Union High School District Office, 1130 Fifth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91911.
County Clerk
San Diego


Notice of Exemption

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