Adoption of Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Ukiah City Code to Update the City's Approval Process for ADUs and JADUs
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Ukiah
Document Title
Adoption of Ordinance Amending Various Sections of the Ukiah City Code to Update the City's Approval Process for ADUs and JADUs
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The ordinance amendment includes changes to various sections of the Ukiah City Code to update the City's approval process for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs). If approved, the amendment will establish standalone articles for the regulation of ADUs and JADUs and facilitate compliance with recent changes in the California Government Code, including AB 976, AB 2221, SB 477 by adding or removing regulatory language as required. The Ordinance also clarifies ADU development standards to allow for detached ADUs of up to 20' in height, and ADUs attached to the primary dwelling unit or garage at the maximum height of their zoning district, limited by any airport safety restrictions.
Contact Information
Jesse Davis
Agency Name
City of Ukiah
Job Title
Chief Planning Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
California Code of Regulations Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, Article 19, Section 15282, 15301, 15302, 15303, 15332,
Reasons for Exemption
Categorically exempt per CEQA Guidelines Class 1 per Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) because the proposed amendments would allow a negligible expansion of existing residential use to accommodate ADUs for creation of housing for local households consistent with the City's certified Housing Element; Class 2 exemption per Section 15302 (Replacement or Construction) because the proposed amendments would allow new small accessory units and structures on sites with existing residential development and would maintain substantially the same purpose and capacity; Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures) because the amendments would allow for a limited number of new structures in compliance with the California Government Code mandatory provisions for ADUs, and other applicable State Housing Law; and Class 32 (Infill Development Projects) because the proposed development would allow small-scale infill development consistent with the certified Housing Element, would not result in any significant effects to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality, would not be allowed within any locations containing environmentally sensitive habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species, and would be limited to sites that can adequately be served by public services and utilities. Notwithstanding the applicability of the Statutory Exemptions and Categorical Exemptions identified above, many of the proposed actions have been the subject of recent environmental analysis in the 6th Cycle Housing Element Update, as well as the 2040 Ukiah General Plan (SCH No. 2022050556) certified by the City Council on December 7, 2022 (Resolution No. 202279), which analyzed and disclosed anticipated impacts of future housing development.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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