4954 North Encino Avenue


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
4954 North Encino Avenue
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
An application for a Conditional Use to authorize the continued use and maintenance of an existing House of Worship (synagogue), 24.6 feet in height, for a total of 3,774 square feet (3,610 existing square feet plus a 164 square foot addition) on a 17,306 square foot lot in the RA-1 Zone durino the hours from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 o.m. Sunday throuqh Saturday, with the exception of Holidavs.

Contact Information

Courtney Yellen
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles / Department of City Planning
Job Title
Planning Assistant
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Amit Kleinberg
Agency Name
Job Title
Contact Types
Parties Undertaking Project


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
North Encino Avenue and Ventura Blvd
Other Location Info
4954 North Encino Avenue

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 (Class 1)/ Section 15305 (Class 5)
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA DETERMINATION - SECTION 15301 (CLASS 1) AND 15305 (CLASS 5) CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION APPLIE The Class 1 Categorical Exemption is applicable to projects that consist of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use, including additions to existing structures. The Class 5 Categorical Exemption is applicable to projects that consist of alterations in land use limitations, including: Granting or renewal of a variance or conditional use for a non-significant change of use of land. As a project which is characterized as the authorization for the continued use and maintenance of existing House of Worship (synagogue) with minor alterations, the project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption under State CEQA Guidelines Class 1 and Class 5. CEQA SECTION 15300.2 EXCEPTIONS TO THE USE OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTIONS The City has further considered whether the proposed project is subject to any of the six exceptions set forth in State CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2, that would prohibit the use of any categorical exemption. None of the exceptions are triggered for the following reasons: A. Location. Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, and 11 are qualified by consideration of where the project is to be located. A project that is ordinarily insignificant in its effect on the environment may in a particularly sensitive environment be significant. Therefore, these classes may not be utilized where the project may impact on an environmental resource of hazardous or critical concern where designated, precisely mapped, and officially adopted pursuant to law by federal, state, or local agencies. The site is zoned RA-1 and has a General Commercial General Plan Land Use Designation. The site is developed with a 3,610 square foot House of Worship (synagogue). Per Exhibit "A" an addition of 164 square feet is being added to the rear portion of the existing synagogue for a total of 3,774 square feet to provide a more spacious and comfortable area for women of the synagogue to use for prayer and worship. Houses of Worship/Religious structures are allowed in the RA-1 Zone with the approval of a Conditional Use permit. Directly adjacent north of the subject site is zoned RA-1 and C4-1VL and developed with an Auto Club Insurance building, a hair and nail salon, and a parking lot. Properties to the west are zoned RE11-1 and RA-1 and developed with a gated community of single-family dwellings and neighborhood single family dwelling units outside of the gated area. Properties to the south are zoned RA-1 and developed with single-family dwellings. Properties to the east are zoned RA-1 and developed with single-family dwellings. The site is located 9.35 kilometers from the Hollywood Fault and is located within an Airport Hazard area (with a maximum 450 feet height limit above elevation 790), Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone, Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A-13372), and Liquefaction Zone. All structures are regulated through LADBS for compliance with building codes. Traffic. The applicant is seeking a conditional use permit to legalize the existing use and maintenance of a House of Worship (synagogue). Per Exhibit "A" an addition of 164 square feet is being added to the rear portion of the existing synagogue for a total of 3,774 square feet to provide a more spacious and comfortable area for women of the synagogue to use for prayer and worship. No other change is proposed and the application for a Conditional Use is to legalize the existing use of a House of Worship in the RA-1 Zone. The House of Worship will be used for daily prayer and according to the applicant, transportation other than walking is not to be used on holidays. Theapplicant is providing the required six on-site parking spaces and is conditioned to provide parking to the satisfaction of LADBS. Therefore, the project will not cause a significant or substantial increase in traffic and traffic impacts will be less than significant. No mitigation is required . Noise. The project must comply with the City's Noise Ordinance No. 144,331, 156,363 and 161 ,574 and any subsequent ordinances which prohibit the emission or creation of noise beyond certain levels. The Ordinances regulate operational and construction noise. The project will not involve any construction. Section 112.01 of the LAMC prohibits the amplification of noise in a manner that would disturb the peace, quiet, and comfort of neighbor occupants or any other reasonable person residing or working in the area. Section 112.04 limits and regulates noise from powered equipment intended for repetitive use in residential areas and other machinery, equipment, and devices. As a result of the project being required to comply with the above ordinances, it can be found that the project will not result in any significant noise impacts. Air Quality. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD} is primarily responsible for comprehensive air pollution control in the South Coast Air Basin and reducing emissions from area and point stationary, mobile, and indirect sources. SCQAMD prepared the 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) to meet federal and state ambient air quality standards. A significant air quality impact may occur if a project is inconsistent with the AQMP or would in some way represent a substantial hindrance to employing the policies or obtaining the goals of that plan. The proposed project is the continued use and maintenance of an existing House of Worship and is not expected to conflict with or obstruct the implementation of the AQMP and SCAQMD rules. Water Quality. The project is not adjacent to any water sources and approval of the project will not create any impact to water quality. The project will comply with the City's storm water management provisions per LAMC Section 64. 70 and Best Management Practices (BMP} would be required during general operation of the project to ensure that storm water runoff meets the established water quality standards and waste discharge requirements. Therefore, development of the proposed project would not degrade the quality of storm water runoff from the site and would not result in any significant effects relating to water quality. B. Cumulative Impact. The exception applies when, although a particular project may not have a significant impact, the impact of successive projects, of the same type, in the same place, over time is significant. ZIMAS case history search revealed that there are no other Conditional Use requests for a House of Worship within a 500 foot radius of the site. The site is currently operating as House of Worship. The site is located in a General Commercial General Plan Land Use Designation. Successive projects of the same type, in the same place, are not expected to have a significant impact. However, a House of Worship is not a by-right use and requires a Conditional Use Permit which would take into consideration neighborhood compatibility and any potential significant impacts before project approval . C. Significant Effect Due To Unusual Circumstances. This exception applies when, although the project may otherwise be exempt, there is a reasonable possibility that the project will have a significant effect due to unusual circumstances. The subject site is a level, rectangularly shaped 17,306 square foot lot with a designated General Plan Land Use of General Commercial RA-1 zoning. The lot is located in an Airport Hazard area (with a maximum 450 feet height limit above elevation 790), Urban Agriculture Incentive Zone, Special Grading Area (BOE Basic Grid Map A-13372), and Liquefaction Zone. Per ZIMAS, the site is located 9.35 kilometers from the Hollywood Fault. The site is not located within a Flood Zone, Hazardous Waste/Border Zone Property, High Wind Velocity Area. Thus, the location of the project will not result in a significant impact based on its location. D. Scenic Highways. This exception applies when, although the project may otherwise be exempt, there may be damage to scenic resources, including but not limited to, trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings, or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway. Based on a review of the California Scenic Highway Mapping System (http://www.dot.ca.gov/hg/LandArch/16 livability/ scenic highways/), subject site is not located along a State Scenic Highway, nor are there any designated State Scenic Highways located near the project site. Based on this, the proposed project will not result in damage to scenic resources including trees, historic buildings, rock outcroppings,or similar resources, within a highway officially designated as a state scenic highway, and this exception does not apply. E. Hazardous Waste Sites. Projects located on a site or facility listed pursuant to California Government Code 65962.5. Based on a review of the California Department of Toxic Substances Control "Envirostor Database (http://www.envirostor.dtsc.ca.gov/public/), no known hazardous waste sites are located on the project site. In addition, there is no evidence of historic or current use, or disposal of hazardous or toxic materials at this location. Based on this, the project will not result in a significant effect due hazardous waste and this exception does not apply. F. Historical Resources. Projects that may cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an historical resource. The project site has not been identified as a historic resource by local or state agencies, and the project site has not been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, the Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments Register, and/or any local register. Based on this, the project will not result in a substantial adverse change to the significance of a historic resource and this exception does not apply. In conclusion, since the project meets all of the requirements of. the categorical exemption set forth at CEQA Guidelines, Section 15301, Class 1, and Section 15305, Class 5, and none of the applicable exceptions to the use of the exemption] apply to the project, it is appropriate to determine this project is categorically exempt from the requirements of CEQA.
County Clerk
Los Angeles


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