Bonita Vista High School Building and Site Improvements Project
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Sweetwater Union High School District
Document Title
Bonita Vista High School Building and Site Improvements Project
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
The proposed project would include the demolition of the exiling 7,280 square foot Building Q (autoshop classroom) and the construction of one 16,445 square foot replacement building; installation of three new sand volleyball courts north of the proposed replacement building; renovation of the quad area, which includes but is not limited to, the demolition and relocation of the modular dance classroom building (approximately 2,300 sf), installation of new shade structures, landscaping (41,970 sf), hardscaping (79,563 sf) seating areas, artificial turf (6,303 sf), and fire access lane; relocation of the girls team locker room building to elsewhere on campus; striping of new volleyball courts (14,309 sf) at the existing marching band practice area, and removal of trees; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access improvements, and ADA compliance upgrades to the drop-off area. These components are further discussed below.
The proposed project would be developed within the boundaries of the BVHS campus and no new property acquisition would be required to implement the proposed project. Additionally, the proposed project would support the existing academic use within the BVHS campus and would not affect enrollment.
Proposed Classroom Building.
As previously discussed, the proposed project includes the demolition of the existing 7,280 square foot classroom building (Building Q) that currently serves as an autoshop classroom and the construction of one 1-story 16,445 square foot replacement classroom building. Demolition activities associated with this component of the proposed project includes the demolition of Building Q (autoshop classroom), relocation of storage containers to elsewhere on campus, removal of existing paved areas associated with Building Q (autoshop classroom), and ornamental ground covering located west of Building Q (autoshop classroom). Construction of the proposed replacement building would include the construction of one 1-story 16,445 square foot building, installation of artificial turf west of the proposed building, seat wall, and connections to existing utility and stormwater infrastructure. A detailed discussion of the proposed project's utility and infrastructure improvements is discussed under Section, Infrastructure Improvements, below.
The proposed replacement building would accommodate up to seven classrooms consisting of two sports medicine classrooms and a treatment room, an autoshop and autoshop classroom, digital photography classroom, multimedia studio and classroom, engineering classroom, and dance studio. The proposed replacement building would also include building support rooms such as electrical, mechanical, telecommunication, janitor, and restrooms. Lighting for the proposed replacement building would consist of exterior building-mounted light fixtures and interior lighting.
Quad Improvements
The proposed project's quad improvement component includes the demolition of existing quad structures (seating, shade structures, paved areas, ornamental landscaping, and ornamental trees). The existing dance classroom (approximately 2,300 sf) would also be demolished, and dance use would be accommodated in the proposed replacement classroom building. The existing girls team locker room would be relocated somewhere else on campus.
Architecturally and functionally, the proposed quad area would be oval in shape. The proposed quad improvements include five new lunch structures, one performance stage, seat walls, fire access lane, hardscape, landscaping, and artificial turf. Project lighting for the quad improvements would include light poles with base throughout the quad.
Volleyball Courts
The proposed project volleyball court component includes the removal of the existing paved area north of existing Building Q (autoshop classroom)/replacement building, which includes four hard volleyball courts, and the restriping of the marching band area located south of existing track/field and football stadium to accommodate the four hard volleyball courts being demolished.
Specifically, the proposed project would include the installation of three sand volleyball courts north of the proposed replacement building. Other improvements associated with the sand volleyball courts includes installation of artificial turf, hardscape, landscaping, seat wall, reconstruction of the existing concrete drainage swale along the eastern boundary of the sand volleyball courts, and the construction of an approximately 68 foot long retaining wall along the reconstructed concrete drainage swale.
The proposed project's volleyball component also includes the restriping of the existing marching band practice area (southeast corner of the campus) to include four replacement volleyball courts on top of the existing marching band practice markings.
Project lighting for the sand volleyball courts would include light poles with base. There are existing light poles along the western boundary of the existing marching band practice area.
ADA/Access Improvements
The proposed project includes ADA access improvements and ADA compliance upgrades to the drop-off area located south of the proposed replacement building. The proposed project would update the existing ADA ramp located south of existing Building N.
The new paving and hardscaping would be provided throughout the project site. The project's proposed ornamental landscaping would be provided around the quad area, south of the proposed sand volleyball courts, and along the southern perimeter of the project site. The site landscaping would include a variety of ornamental trees, shrubs, and groundcover.
Infrastructure Improvements
The Otay Water District currently provides water services to the BVHS campus. As part of the proposed project, onsite water lines (for potable water, irrigation, and fire suppression purposes) would connect to the existing potable water mains within the campus. Additionally, one new fire hydrant would be install onsite and two existing fire hydrants would be relocated within the quad area, to ensure adequate fire protection infrastructure. The new and relocated fire hydrants would connect to the existing water mains within the campus.
Wastewater generated at the BVHS campus is currently collected and conveyed by the Olay Water District. As part of the proposed project, the proposed replacement building's onsite wastewater lines would connect to the existing sewer mains within the campus.
The project site is developed with structures that support the BVHS academic uses. Under existing conditions, the project site consists of mostly impervious surfaces and is relatively flat. The BVHS campus has existing storm drain infrastructure, including existing water quality features onsite that provide treatment for stormwater runoff ("first flush"). Further, there are existing curb-and-gutter improvements along the streets that front the campus. Under existing conditions, runoff is directed to stormwater inlets on campus, which discharge to public stormwater infrastructure along public rights-of-way surrounding the campus, or flows directly to the stormwater infrastructure along public rights -of-way.
The proposed project would generate stormwater similar to existing conditions since the project site is substantially developed with impervious surfaces (except small landscaped areas) and would continue to be impervious with small landscaped areas. The proposed project would connect to the existing storm water infrastructure onsite; it would also install storm drain catch basins, bio swales within the central portion of the quad area, and an underground stormwater biofiltration system near the southeast corner of the proposed replacement building. Similar to existing conditions, stormwater would flow to stormwater infrastructure on campus and/or flow to surrounding stormwater infrastructure.
Solid waste and recycling generated at the campus is collected and hauled away by Republic Services and transported to/disposed of at the appropriate waste and recycling facilities (e.g. Otay Landfill). Republic Services would continue to provide solid waste collection and hauling services to the campus following the construction of the proposed project. No change would occur.
The proposed project would include new electricity and telecommunications connections. The proposed replacement building would connect to existing electrical power and telecommunication facilities within the campus. No natural gas usage is proposed as part of the project.
The proposed project would be constructed over one construction phase with construction activities anticipated to begin in December 2024 and be completed by January 2026. Construction activities would include vegetation removal, building demolition, asphalt demolition and excavation, site preparation and rough grading, utility trenching, fine grading, building construction, architectural coating, asphalt paving, finishing, and landscaping. No soil import or export would be required as the site is anticipated to balance. Construction staging and equipment storage would be staged in Area 1 and the Contractor Parking Area (18 parking stalls) for the entirety of the proposed project. Uses within areas 1-3 would be temporarily relocated to other areas of the campus during construction. Campus operations would continue to function as normal throughout the construction period.
Contact Information
Jason Brust
Agency Name
Sweetwater Union High School District
Job Title
Director of Planning and Construction
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Chula Vista
San Diego
Citywide, Countywide, Southern California
Cross Streets
Otay Lakes Road and H Street
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Multiple offsite wetland features
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
Sweetwater Union High School District
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
San Diego
Final Environmental Document Available at
Sweetwater Union High School District, 1130 Fifth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91911
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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