Solomon Creek Sewer Rehabilitation


SCH Number
Public Agency
Laguna County Sanitation District
Document Title
Solomon Creek Sewer Rehabilitation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Pipe lining of approximately 542 linear feet of 15 inch diameter vitrified clay sewer pipe (VCP), 5,184 linear feet of 12 inch diameter VCP, 5,717 linear feet of 10’’ diameter VCP, and 2,531 linear feet of 8’’ diameter VCP with a trenchless, cured in place pipe (CIPP) rehabilitation, and coating approximately 61 manholes along the Solomon creek pipeline alignment and 38 additional manholes along the north trunk line alignment (Figures 1-4). Prior to pipe lining, the pipe will be removed from service by above ground bypass pumping from the upstream to downstream manhole. Secondary containment around bypass pumps and a complete backup pumping system will be provided. The VCP was installed in the 1960s and based on recent video surveys has been determined to be in deleterious condition, having exceeded its expected useful life of 50 years and is subject to possible failure and repetitive maintenance due to root intrusion through pipe joints. The sewer manholes were constructed using brick and mortar materials and have also exceeded their useful life and are to be rehabilitated by coating the interior walls in-situ. This project is planned to be completed in sections over the course of several years for budgetary reasons.

Contact Information

Joddi Leipner
Agency Name
Job Title
Engineering Environmental Team Leader
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


Santa Maria, Unincorporated Santa Maria Valley/Orcutt
Santa Barbara
Other Location Info
Along the existing trunk sewer line located adjacent to the Solomon creek, generally south of Clark Avenue from Bradley Road to State Route 135, and north of Clark Avenue from State Route 135 to Blosser Road. Also located on the north trunk line alignment which is west of the Santa Maria Public Airport from Blosser Road west to the Laguna County Sanitation District wastewater reclamation plant.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(b) provides a categorical exemption for the repair, maintenance, or minor alteration of existing publicly owned utilities used to provide sewerage involving negligible or no expansion of use. Consistent with this exemption, the proposed project involves the phased repair and maintenance of an existing trunk sewer pipeline and appurtenant sewer manholes which, based on video surveys and inspections, requires remedial lining to ensure its continued function and to prevent possible failure. The proposed repair and maintenance would not result in any expansion of use. Therefore, the Solomon Creek Sewer Rehabilitation project can be found to be categorically exempt.
County Clerk
Santa Barbara


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