Valero Refining Company - Issuance of Permit to Operate for a temporary Soda Ash Injection System to abate the Flue Gas Scrubber (A-1047) (Application 700395).


SCH Number
Public Agency
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)
Document Title
Valero Refining Company - Issuance of Permit to Operate for a temporary Soda Ash Injection System to abate the Flue Gas Scrubber (A-1047) (Application 700395).
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Valero submitted this application for a demonstration testing of dry sorbent injection to the Flue Gas Scrubber (FGS) (A-1047), abating the Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit and Coker Unit. The objective of the test is to determine whether the system would provide a greater margin of compliance with particulate matter (PM) emission control for compliance with BAAQMD Regulation 6, Rule 5 that becomes effective on July 21, 2026. The temporary demonstration testing will occur as 2 trials, operating for less than one week each, with another week for setting up S-32139 Trona silo, A-1063 bin vent filters, A-1062 Temporary Soda Ash Injection System and removing them. This project was considered eligible for a Permit to Operate for Temporary Operation per Air District Regulation 2-1-302.3 and usage of the temporary permit after 90 days from issuance will not be allowed.

Contact Information

Eric Grulke
Agency Name
Bay Area Air Quality Management District (Air District)
Job Title
Senior Air Quality Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Taryn Goodwin
Agency Name
Valero Refining Company
Job Title
Manager, Environmental Engineering,
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Cross Streets
Rose Drive, Benicia, CA
Other Information
3400 E Second Street, Benicia, Solano County, CA 94510. Nearest Cross Street: Rose Drive, Benicia, CA 94510.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Section 15301
Reasons for Exemption
The Air District has determined that this permit action is categorically exempt from CEQA because the action permits only a minor modification of an existing use and does not authorize any expansion of that existing use (CEQA, California Public Resources Code§ 21084; State CEQA Guidelines, 14 Calif. Code of Regulations§ 15301 and Air District Regulation 2-1-312.6). Additionally, the permit actions in Application 700395 fit within the Air District's fixed and objective numerical standards, which did not allow for or require any subjective judgment or discretion to interpret or apply. Therefore, the Air District does not have the discretion to deny the requested changes.

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Californ ia Public Resources Code§ 21080; State CEQA Guidelines, 14 Calif. Code of Regulations§ 15300.1
Reasons for Exemption
Because the Air District does not have discretion to deny the application, the project qualifies as ministerial and is consequently also exempt from CEQA on that basis (CEQA, Californ ia Public Resources Code§ 21080; State CEQA Guidelines, 14 Calif. Code of Regulations§ 15300.1). Accordingly, approval of Application 700395 is not subject to CEQA review.
County Clerk


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