Enerle Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit C-DRC2023-00026 ED23-133


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Enerle Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit C-DRC2023-00026 ED23-133
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A request by Shelene Enerle for a Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit (C-DRC2023-00026) to allow for a 1,995 square-foot addition and 72 square-foot permeable deck extension to an existing 1,362 square-foot single family residence and 85 square-foot deck. The project will result in the disturbance of approximately 2,500 square feet on an 21,473 square-foot parcel. This project is located in the Residential Single Family land use category at 363 Mitchell Drive within the community of Los Osos. The site is in the Estero Planning Area.

Contact Information

Andy Knighton
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Unincorporated Area (Community of Los Osos)
San Luis Obispo
Parcel #
Other Location Info
363 Mitchell Dr., Los Osos, CA 93402

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Section 15061 (b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
This project is covered by the “general rule” or “common sense” exemption that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment (14 CCR 15061(b)(3)). It can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this project may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, the activity is not subject to CEQA. [Reference: State CEQA Guidelines sec. 15061(b)(3), “General Rule” or “Common Sense” Exemption]. The project consists of an addition to an existing single-family residence within the Residential Single-Family land use category. The project has a relatively small area of disturbance of approximately 2,500 square-feet. The proposed addition is located in an area that avoids disturbance to sensitive habitats and only proposes the removal of non-native ruderal and cultivated landscape plant species. There is one oak tree onsite that is not proposed for removal. Protection measures described in the Biological Resource Analysis (BRA) for the oak tree are included as conditions of approval and will be installed prior to ground disturbing activities (SWCA, 2023). There is no aestivation habitat onsite to support the presence and survival of Morro Shoulderband Snail, therefore, the species will not be impacted (SWCA, 2023). Site surveys did not reveal the presence of any sensitive animal species. The biologist’s surveys determined that Northern California Legless Lizard (Aniella pulchra) and nesting bird species have the potential to occur under the ruderal or landscaped vegetation. The BRA recommends the implementation of Avoidance and Minimization measures, which includes pre-construction site surveys, to ensure there are no impacts to animal species that could potentially occur onsite. The project site is located within the Morro Bay Wetland Sensitive Resource Area. The proposed addition adequately setback 113 feet from the upland extent of any wetland vegetation, which meets the Estero Area Plan standards requiring development to be setback at least 50 feet from wetlands. The project will not result in the removal of any wetland vegetation. A Phase I Archaeological Survey was prepared for the project site, and resulted in no positive findings (SWCA, 2023). In the unlikely event resources are uncovered during grading activities, implementation of County Code Section 23.05.140 (Archaeological Resources) would be required, which states: A. Construction activities shall cease, and the Department shall be notified so that the extent and location of discovered materials may be recorded by a qualified archaeologist, and disposition of artifacts may be accomplished in accordance with state and federal law. B. In the event archeological resources are found to include human remains, or in any other case when human remains are discovered during construction, the County Coroner shall be notified in addition to the Department so proper disposition may be accomplished. Existing grading and drainage regulations will adequately address surface water quality impacts during construction and permanent use of the residence. The project is conditioned to supply a drainage plan, and an erosion and sedimentation control plan for Public Works to review at time of building permits. The project will conform to the applicable General Plan and Estero Area Plan standards, and no measures beyond those required by County Code are necessary to address the environmental impacts associated with the proposed project. The project site is located within the Estero Planning Area and is subject to the applicable standards outlined in the Estero Area Plan (EAP). This project, as proposed, meets all applicable EAP standards for development.
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo


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