W-311A - Orangecrest Water Main Replacement Project - Gustin Road, Gila Way/Colt Street, and Woodlake Drive
SCH Number
Public Agency
Western Municipal Water District
Document Title
W-311A - Orangecrest Water Main Replacement Project - Gustin Road, Gila Way/Colt Street, and Woodlake Drive
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed Orangecrest Water Main Replacement Project (project) involves the abandonment of existing water distribution lines and replacement with new water distribution lines within the public right of way. The existing aged steel water lines are experiencing corrosion and leaks, thus decreasing their reliability. The steel lines would be replaced with new PVC water lines to increase reliability and reduce the number of emergency repairs experienced in the area. Additionally, the project would standardize pipe diameters to be 8 inches across all three locations to ensure compliance with current (2011) design criteria for water mains within Western Municipal Water District (WMWD) jurisdiction, pursuant to the minimum requirements set forth in Section 2.03 of the WMWD Developer Handbook. The project is located within Unincorporated Riverside County at three locations: 1) Gustin Road; 2) Gila Way/Colt Street; and 3) Woodlake Drive.
Location 1 is located within Unincorporated Riverside County along Gustin Road, of north-south orientation, between Cajalco Road and Gustin Lane. An existing 6-inch steel water line along Gustin Road would be abandoned and replaced with a new 8-inch PVC pipe (1,897 linear feet) in parallel with the abandoned line. In addition, an existing 8-inch steel water line along Gustin Lane (860 linear feet) and an existing 8-inch steel water line along Camino Martinez Street (480 linear feet), each in east-west orientation, would be abandoned and replaced with new 8-inch PVC water lines.
Location 2 is within Unincorporated Riverside County, along Gila Way, of north-south orientation, between Hermosa Street and Van Buren Boulevard. This location is also inclusive of Colt Street, of east-west orientation, which connects Gila Way and Prairie Way. At Location 2, there are two existing steel water lines along Gila Way. An existing 8-inch steel line between Colt Street and Van Buren Boulevard and an existing 6-inch steel line between Colt Street and Hermosa Street would be abandoned and replaced with a new 8-inch water line (2,075 linear feet) constructed of PVC. Additionally, an existing 8-inch steel water line along Colt Street would be abandoned and replaced with a new PVC water line (635 linear feet).
Location 3 is located within Unincorporated Riverside County along Woodlake Drive, between Chicago Avenue and Kross Road. At Woodlake Drive, an existing 8-inch steel water line would be abandoned and replaced with a new 8-inch PVC water line (1,765 linear feet). Work at this location includes the abandonment of an existing easement and recording of a replacement easement roughly parallel to the easement abandoned.
Contact Information
Doug McCartney
Agency Name
Western Municipal Water District
Job Title
Senior Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Southern California
Cross Streets
(1) Gustin Road, between Cajalco Road and Gustin Lane
Other Information
There are three locations. the other two are as follows: (2) Gila Way between Hermosa Street and Van Buren Boulevard: T03S R04W; (3) Woodlake Drive between Chicago Avenue and Kross Road: Section 19 T03S R05W.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 1 (section 15301) and Class 2 (section 15302)
Reasons for Exemption
Class 1 Existing Facilities Categorical Exemptions consist of the operation, repair, maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or no expansion of existing or former use. The key consideration is whether the project involves negligible or no expansion of use.
Class 2 Replacement or Reconstruction Categorical Exemptions consists of the replacement of reconstruction of existing structures and facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced.
The project consists of the abandonment and replacement of existing Western Municipal Water District (WMWD) water line infrastructure located with the public right of way. The existing steel water lines are aged and becoming increasingly unreliable as corrosion and leak incidents become more prevalent. Replacing the existing steel lines with PVC lines would increase reliability and reduce the number of emergency repairs needed in the future. Additionally, replacing the existing pipes would ensure compliance with the current minimum water pipeline nominal diameter requirements set forth by Section 2.03 of the WMWD Developer Handbook.
The project would not impact a uniquely sensitive environment, nor is the project anticipated to have significant environmental cumulative effects. No expansion of use would occur as a result of the minor alterations to pipe material and diameter. Thus, the project qualifies for a Class 1 Existing Facilities Categorical Exemption.
Further, the replacement PVC pipes would serve the same purpose as the existing steel infrastructure, and the existing service capacity would remain constant with project implementation. While the existing 6-inch pipes at Locations 1 and 2 are being upsized to 8-inch pipes, this is a negligible upgrade, made solely to satisfy current WMWD design standards. Therefore, the project also qualifies for a Class 2 Replacement or Reconstruction Categorical Exemption pursuant State CEQA Guidelines § 15301 and § 15302.
County Clerk
Notice of Exemption
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