Ariey Lane Minor Subdivision, Rezone, Prelim. & Final Dev. Plan; MS20-0010, RZ22-3264, & DP22-3002


SCH Number
Lead Agency
Contra Costa County
Document Title
Ariey Lane Minor Subdivision, Rezone, Prelim. & Final Dev. Plan; MS20-0010, RZ22-3264, & DP22-3002
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Vacant; Single-Family Residential (R-10) zoning district; Single-Family Residential-Low Density (SL) and Agricultural Lands (AL) General Plan land use designation
Document Description
The applicant is requesting approval of a vesting tentative map to subdivide the subject 6.18-acre parcel into three parcels, resulting in an approximately 2.86-acre (gross) Parcel A, an approximately 2.51-acre Parcel B, and an approximately 0.81-acre Parcel C. Access to the minor subdivision would extend from Ariey Lane, a private road, via an existing bridge that crosses Grayson Creek. Proposed site improvements include an extension of Ariey Lane from the bridge as a new 20-foot-wide private road within a 25-foot private access easement with slopes up to a 20% gradient. No structural improvements are proposed for the existing bridge. Water, electrical, telecommunication, and other utility extensions as needed would be attached beneath the bridge using an existing utility trapeze. Additional site improvements include curbs, gutters, three bioretention basins for stormwater control, a drainage outfall and headwall approximately 1 foot in height, and an 8-inch rock over coir riprap outfall within the creek area adjacent to the bridge for erosion control. It is anticipated that for the future private roadway and future residential foundation pads the project will entail ±4,100 cubic yards (CYS) of cut and ±4,100 CYS of fill for a zero (0) net CYS of grading. The applicant is also seeking approval to construct improvements within the approximately 1.32-acre creek structure setback (CSS) easement area (OR-303003, recorded 2002) spanning the southernmost area of the property. The improvements include approximately 945 square feet of the private roadway and curbs extending from the bridge, approximately 380 square feet of a stormwater treatment bioretention basin (IMP 3), a drainage outfall and headwall, and retaining walls appurtenant to these improvements. In addition to development rights within the CSS easement area being granted to the County, Section 914-14.014 of the County Ordinance prohibits any permanent structure within the creek structure setback other than drainage structures. The applicant has requested an exception to this Code requirement, citing the unique topographic constraints of the site. The upper northern corner of the property has been protected through an approximately 1.98-acre scenic easement (OR-303002, recorded 2002) and will remain undeveloped. No changes are proposed that would reduce the square footage of either restricted development area. The applicant requests a rezone of the property from R-10, Single-Family Residential to P-1, Planned Unit District (P-1) and approval of a Preliminary and Final Development Plan for development of each parcel. A total of five dwelling units are proposed, including two attached accessory dwelling units (ADU). Future approval of any ADU will require a separate ministerial application. The proposed development of each parcel is described below: • Parcel A: 6,244-square-foot, two-story, single-family residence up to 26 feet in height, an 886-square-foot garage, driveway, pool, and seven retaining walls up to 7 feet in height. • Parcel B: 6,545-square-foot, two-story, single-family residence up to 32 feet in height, an approximately 990-square-foot ADU within the residential building, an 1,848-square-foot garage, driveway, and three retaining walls up to 6 feet in height. • Parcel C: 4,424-square-foot, two-story split-level, single-family residence stepping up the existing grade with a height up to 28 feet, an approximately 747-square-foot ADU within the residential structure, a 974-square-foot garage, driveway, and two retaining walls up to 6 feet in height. The applicant also requests approval of a tree permit for project-related impacts to twenty-eight code-protected trees, including the removal of thirteen code-protected trees (one (1) Aleppo pine tree, three (3) Arizona cypress trees, seven (7) coast live oak trees, and two (2) incense cedar trees) and work within the driplines (construction, trenching or grading) of fifteen code-protected trees (one (1) valley oak tree, two (2) California bay trees, and twelve (12) coast live oak trees) located on the subject property. Project impacts are due to the trees being located within the footprint of site improvements or the new residential structures. In addition, several trees would be removed due to poor health or condition as recommended by the project arborist.

Contact Information

Syd Sotoodeh
Agency Name
Contra Costa County Dept. of Conservation and Development
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Lafayette, Pleasant Hill
Contra Costa
Citywide, Countywide, San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
85 Ariey Lane at Reliez Valley Road
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
24, 680
Christ the King Elementary; Strandwood Elementary; Pleasant Hill
Grayson Creek; Alhambra Creek; Sindicich Creek, Murderers Creek (and tributaries); Contra Costa

Notice of Completion

State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, North Central Region 2 (CDFW), California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT), California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Natural Resources Agency, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), Office of Historic Preservation, State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW)
Development Types
Residential (Units 3, Acres 6.18)
Local Actions
Planned Unit Development, Rezone, Land Division (Subdivision, etc.)
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology/Soils, Mandatory Findings of Significance, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End


Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
State Comment Letters [Comments from State Reviewing Agency(ies)]

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