SFLAP (Small Forest Landowner Assistance Program): Feather Falls 2024


SCH Number
Public Agency
Butte County Resource Conservation District (BCRCD)
Document Title
SFLAP (Small Forest Landowner Assistance Program): Feather Falls 2024
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project area experienced 90-100% mortality during the 2020 North Complex Fire emergency. The purpose of the project is to manage vegetation and reduce hazards so the small forest landowners can safely rebuild, maintain ingress-egress routes, utilize their land, and reduce the likelihood of a future disaster. To achieve this, standing dead trees and brush would be removed, using manual and mechanical means, logs would be decked using e.g. feller-bunchers, and excess woody biomass would be scattered, removed, burned on site, and/or (where safe) piled for wildlife habitat, as dictated by fuels levels on each unit. Pile-burns or underburns may be conducted on some properties. Where natural regeneration is not sufficient, native conifers and hardwoods would be re-planted. Herbicide may be sprayed, in accordance with label directions, on invasive species . The direct beneficiaries of the project are the forestlands’ owners and their immediate families and neighbors.

Contact Information

Wolfgang D Rougle
Agency Name
Butte County RCD
Job Title
Planning Program Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project


Northern California
Other Location Info
Unincorporated Butte County in communities of Feather Falls and Berry Creek.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15304, Minor Alterations to Land
Reasons for Exemption
This project is exempt because the project consists of minor alterations to vegetation. The project involves shallow ground disturbance due to equipment that will shred or remove hazardous vegetation; accordingly, full cultural resources studies with avoidance measures for all located resources are an integrated feature of the project. The project buffers riparian and wetland zones and involves no channel disturbance, excluding some rare and incidental addition of coarse woody debris to streams (in cases where fire-weakened hazard trees collapse Into streams). Work will occur outside of nesting season (Feb 1- August 15), unless pre-Implementation surveys are completed. Archaeological and botanical surveys were completed and this project will cause less than significant impact. Project implementation, as designed, would have less than significant impact in each resource area, and an exemption pursuant to § 15304 is indicated.
County Clerk


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