Port of Redwood City Living Shoreline Pilot Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
Port of Redwood City
Document Title
Port of Redwood City Living Shoreline Pilot Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Port of Redwood City (Port) is a deep-water port utilized for maritime commerce and community recreation.
The Port operates the 190-berth Redwood City Marina and an associated dry boat storage facility.
Other operations within the vicinity include private businesses, various shops and restaurants, a shoreline walking path, and industrial uses.
The Port is proposing a pilot project for a small living shoreline restoration of a 180 linear foot section of existing hardened shoreline within the Port (Project).
The Project involves installing approximately 45 ECOncrete tidepools in the lower marsh area, restoration planting in the middle and upper marsh, as well as replacing a degraded retaining wall. The purpose of the Project is five-fold:
1. Improve the ecological conditions of the shoreline by enhancing intertidal habitat.
2. Generate data and lessons learned to inform design of future living shoreline projects in the Port of Redwood City and beyond.
3. Provide local public access and educational opportunities focused on marine life in various stages and forms.
4. Improve water quality and provide an ecological lift to the degraded shoreline and protect existing infrastructure.
5. Demonstrate a method of shoreline stabilization that creates a well-defined local ecosystem that mimics natural rock pools.
Contact Information
Trish Wagner
Agency Name
Port of Redwood City
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant / Parties Undertaking Project
Redwood City
San Mateo
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
Seaport Ct. and Redwood Creek
Total Acres
180 linear feet
Parcel #
State Highways
Redwood Creek
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 33 Categorical Exemption (CEQA Guideline § 15333) Small Habitat Restoration Projects because it is a project that
Reasons for Exemption
The project is consistent with a Class 33 Categorical Exemption (CEQA Guideline § 15333) Small Habitat Restoration Projects because it is a project that does not exceed five acres in size. The small size of less than five acres assures the maintenance, restoration, enhancement, and protection of habitat for fish, plants and wildlife. The project assures that
A. There would be no significant adverse impact on endangered, rare or threatened species or their habitat pursuant to section 15065
B. There are no hazardous materials at or around the project site that may be disturbed or removed, and
C. The project will not result in impacts that are significant when viewed in connection with effects from past projects, the effects of current projects, and the effects of probable future projects.
D. The Port of Redwood City’s Living Shoreline Project is consistent with the examples of small restoration projects listed in CEQA Class 33 that includes:
1. Revegetation of disturbed areas with native plant species
2. Stream or riverbank stabilization with native vegetation or other bioengineering techniques, the primary purpose of which is to reduce or eliminate erosion and sedimentation
County Clerk
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
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