Sydriel Coastal Permit and Use Permit (P4258)


SCH Number
Public Agency
Marin County
Document Title
Sydriel Coastal Permit and Use Permit (P4258)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Proposal to convert existing commercial tenant spaces to mini-mart and residential units and the installation of a septic system on a property that is fully developed.

Contact Information

Immanuel Bereket
Agency Name
Marin County Community Development Agency
Job Title
Principal Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Parcel #
Other Location Info
11401 State Route 1, Point Reyes, CA

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines §15061(b)(3)
Reasons for Exemption
The Community Development Agency has reviewed the proposed project pursuant to: 1)CEQA Guidelines Section 15002(k) – General Concepts, the three-step process for deciding which document to prepare for a project subject to CEQA; and 2) CEQA Guidelines Section15061 – Review for Exemption, procedures for determining if a project is exempt from CEQA. Since it can be seen with certainty that the proposed project has no potential to have a significant adverse effect on the environment, the CDA has determined that the proposed project is considered to be exempt from CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section15061(b)(3) - Common Sense Exemption, for the following reasons: The project converts an existing structure from one use to another (from commercial and office use to commercial and residential use). The project proposes to remove the existing interior walls, footings, and concrete slab-on-grade of the structure and construct a new slab-on-grade within the confines of the existing building. The exterior wall footings of the building will remain as-is and supported by the existing foundation. The new apartment and store will be a one-story structure within the existing building. Additionally, a new septic system is proposed to replace the existing septic system. The proposed site disturbance and excavation will be confined within the building footprint as well as in the open rear yard, which consists of fill materials such as asphalt, aggregate base rock, clayey sands, and sandy clays and is devoid of native soil. The excavation proposed is limited to within the building footprint in order to create a grade slap for the proposed interior remodel and for the removal and replacement of the septic system at the rear of the property. The project site is listed on the State Water Resource Control Board’s Geotracker website, which lists all active and closed Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST). Similar to the Geotracker data, the LUST list is compiled for public disclosure purposes. Here, the site clean remediation case began on January 29, 1999, and a closure letter was issued on August 31, 1999. The clean-up case was due to concerns related to underground strange tank leakage as it relates to underground water. The excavation proposed is limited to within the building footprint in order to create a grade slap for the proposed interior remodel and for the removal and replacement of the septic system at the rear of the property, away from the underground storage tanks and within previously graded sites. Additionally, neither the project site nor any of the adjacent properties are listed in the California Register of Historical Resources or in the National Register of Historic Places. The project qualifies as being exempt from CEQA under the common-sense exemption because it can be seen with certainty that the project, which would occur primarily within the existing nondescript building and previously improved areas of the site, will not have a significant effect on the environment.
County Clerk


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