CC Calgren 042024-0001
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Conservation
Document Title
CC Calgren 042024-0001
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
GFP Ethanol, LLC, doing business as Calgren Renewable Fuels (Calgren) proposes to drill one new stratigraphic test well (the proposed Project) in the unincorporated area of Tulare County. The Tulare County Carbon Storage Project (TCCSP) is partially funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), under the Carbon Storage Assurance Facility Enterprise (Carbon SAFE) program. The federal grant with agreement number for the proposed Project is DE-FE0032264.
The new well will gather geologic data that will be used to support the development of a geologic carbon capture and storage project known as the TCCSP. The proposed three-acre Project site is located in western Tulare County, at the southwest corner of Avenue 108 and Road 64, and approximately 7.6 miles west of the City of Pixley. The Project site is generally flat sloping slightly from east to west. Elevation across the Project site ranges from approximately 197–198 feet above mean sea level. The Project site is disked annually for agriculture. West and south of the Project is in like kind and used for dry farming. No irrigation is present on the Project site. The east edge is bordered by a dirt farm road and agricultural canal. Further east is used for agriculture. North of the site is non-native grassland, alkali sink.
The proposed new drill will require (1) clearing of vegetation land cover and leveling soil within the impacted area, and (2) construction of one temporary well pad. The total expected footprint of the impacted area is 3 acres. After the well is completed, the impacted area will undergo restoration to its previous state, apart from a 209 by 209 feet sized parcel, where the wellhead and cellar will be housed and fenced off.
Well drilling and completion is expected to take approximately 60 days to complete. A work-over rig will be used to complete the well. Other temporary equipment such as pumps, flat tanks, hoses, forklifts, cranes, lights, and generators will be used, as necessary. Vehicles will be used to transport equipment, materials, and personnel on-site. Waste materials (solid and liquid) will be properly stored and disposed of as non-hazardous or hazardous waste, as appropriate, at a facility licensed to accept the waste.
Drilling may require up to a maximum of 750 barrels (31,500 gallons) of water per day. Water will either be purchased from a local source and trucked to the site, or if possible, a direct connection with a nearby municipal water line will be set up with the appropriate utility company.
As the TCCSP proceeds Calgren’s plan for the well is to convert into an observation well for the Class VI project.
The proposed Project consists of CalGEM approving one permit for Calgren to drill one stratigraphic well at Latitude 35.98500000, Longitude -119.42972222, in Tulare County.
Contact Information
Jan Perez
Agency Name
Department of Conservation, California Geologic Energy Management Division
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
14 CCR § 15306
Reasons for Exemption
Class 6, Information Collection (14 CCR § 15306): Class 6 applies because it consists of “[B]asic data collection, research, experimental management, and resource evaluation activities which do not result in a serious or major disturbance to an environmental resource. These may be strictly for information gathering purposes only, or as part of a study leading to an action which a public agency has not yet approved, adopted, or funded.” (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15306.) The proposed Project would construct a stratigraphic research well on previously disturbed ground. The proposed Project will not result in serious or major disturbance to listed species. The purpose of the well is to gather geologic data that will be used to support the development of a geologic carbon capture and storage project. The Class 6 exemption therefore applies, as it involves basic data collection that will inform the potential for geologic carbon capture and storage.
Notice of Exemption
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