Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District Sanitary Sewer Trunk Line Replacement Project
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
San Mateo County Department of Public Works
Document Title
Fair Oaks Sewer Maintenance District Sanitary Sewer Trunk Line Replacement Project
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Public Right-of-Way
Document Description
The County of San Mateo Department of Public Works proposes to replace antiquated, 33-inch diameter reinforced concrete pipe segments with industry-standard, 36-inch-diameter polyvinyl chloride pipe segments associated with the North Fair Oaks Trunk Sewer. The Project would affect 1,404 linear feet of the existing pipe segments. Two sections of three cannot be replaced in-place. They would be realigned mainly via trenchless construction (pipe jacking and microtunneling); the existing sections would be abandoned. The third section would be replaced in-place, via open trench construction; construction of this section would require use of a temporary sewage bypass system. The Project would also include the housekeeping of existing manholes to either abandon them if no longer required or bring them to code if they are substandard. Approximately 1,411 linear feet of new pipe segments would be installed over a six-month period, beginning in April 2025.
Contact Information
Mark Chow, PE
Agency Name
County of San Mateo, Department of Public Works
Job Title
Project Manager
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Redwood City
San Mateo
San Francisco Bay Area
Cross Streets
US HWY 101 and Seaport Blvd, E Bayshore Road
Total Acres
< 1 acre
State Highways
US 101
Summit Prep School
San Francisco Bay
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Air Resources Board (ARB), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Bay Delta Region 3 (CDFW), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marin Region 7 (CDFW), California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Water Resources (DWR), California Highway Patrol (CHP), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Natural Resources Agency, California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region 2 (RWQCB), California State Lands Commission (SLC), Office of Historic Preservation, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Water Quality, California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), California Department of Transportation, District 4 (DOT)
Development Types
Other (Replacement of 1,404 linear feet of existing sewer line segments)
Local Actions
Site Plan
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Biological Resources, Coastal Zone, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Energy, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mandatory Findings of Significance, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Schools/Universities, Septic System, Solid Waste, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, Utilities/Service Systems, Vegetation, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End
Draft Environmental Document [Draft IS, NOI_NOA_Public notices, OPR Summary Form, Appx,]
Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form
State Comment Letters [Comments from State Reviewing Agency(ies)]
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