956 Seward Project (ENV-2023-5533-MND)

3 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of Los Angeles
Document Title
956 Seward Project (ENV-2023-5533-MND)
Document Type
MND - Mitigated Negative Declaration
Present Land Use
Existing Film Storage building / MR1-1 and R3-1 / Limited Manufacturing
Document Description
The Project proposes the demolition of the existing approximately 40,000 sf film storage building and its associated parking lot and truck rental business and the construction of a seven-story storage building (75 feet), which would consist of up to 168,478 sf that would include approximately 127,868 sf of self-storage, approximately 39,510 sf of temperature-controlled film and media storage, and up to 1,100 sf of leasing uses. It also includes a surface-level parking lot and bicycle parking spaces at ground-level, as well as landscaped areas throughout the Project area, including an outdoor landscaped walkway and entrance along Romaine Street and landscaping along Hudson Avenue and Seward Street. The Project would have a floor area ratio (FAR) of 2.99. The Project proposes 47 automobile parking spaces provided onsite in a surface-level parking lot and 40 bicycle parking spaces provided onsite at ground level. Development of the Project would require the export of approximately 5,200 cubic yards of soil. The cut quantity is 6,033 cy, with 141 cy of fill and 686 cy of clear and grub. The maximum excavation depth is 6.5 feet. There are eight parkway trees and seven on the Project Site. The Project proposes the retention and protection of five parkway trees; the removal/replacement (at a 2:1 ratio) of three parkway trees, and the removal/replacement (at a 1:1 ratio) of seven on-site trees. Six replacement trees will be planted in the adjacent parkway, and seven replacement trees will be planted on-site, a total of 13 replacement trees. As part of the overall development, the Project proposes to retain five trees and plant a total of 38 trees (eight parkway trees and 30 on-site trees) which is 25 more trees than is required for replacement trees (13 required replacement trees). The applicant is requesting the following entitlements: a) a Zone Change and Height District Change pursuant to Los Angeles Municipal Code (“LAMC”) Section 12.32-F to change the zoning of all parcels from MR1-1 and R3-1 to (Q)M1-2D; b) a Conditional Use Permit pursuant to LAMC Section 12.24-W.50 for a storage building for household goods in the M1 zone within 500 feet from an A or R Zone or residential use; c) a Site Plan Review pursuant to LAMC Section 16.05 to permit the development of a project that creates or results in an increase of 50,000 gross square feet (“sf”) or more of nonresidential floor area; and d) a Waiver of Dedication and/or Improvements pursuant to LAMC Section 12.37-I.3 to waive dedications and improvements along Seward Street, Romaine Street, and Hudson Avenue.

Contact Information

Valentina Knox-Jones
Agency Name
City of Los Angeles, City Planning Department
Job Title
City Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Southern California
Cross Streets
Seward St & Romaine St
Total Acres
Parcel #
5533-023-001, -002, -003, -017, -018, -026
Hubert Howe Bancroft Middle Schoo
Other Location Info
936-962 N. Seward St. & 949-959 N. Hudson Ave., Los Angeles 90038

Notice of Completion

Development Types
Commercial (Sq. Ft. 168478, Acres 1.29, Employees 10)
Local Actions
Rezone, Use Permit, Dedication Waiver
Project Issues
Public Review Period Start
Public Review Period End


Notice of Completion [NOC] Transmittal form

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