Paper Bark Tree Removal at Spanish Landing Park


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Diego Unified Port District
Document Title
Paper Bark Tree Removal at Spanish Landing Park
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project would consist of the removal and replacement of one (1) existing Paper Bark Tree (scientific name Melaleuca leucadendra) and ongoing maintenance by the San Diego Unified Port District (District} in the City of San Diego, California. Toe existing Paper Bark Tree Is located in Spanish Landing Parle, directly adjacent to Comfort Station #1, and would be removed and replaced due to its potential risk to public safety and utility disruption. The roots of the existing tree are causing lifting of the adjacent sidewalk, as well as breakage to the .existing Irrigation system. A contractor would remove the Paper Bark Tree and replace it with two (2) Pink Trumpet Trees (scientific name Handroanthus lmpetiginosus) in the same location, on either side of the removed tree. The tree species proposed for replantll1) Is a non-invasive, drought tolerant plant species, and would reflect the palette of trees and shrubs which already exist elsewhere on tidelands. The tree Is anticipated to be removed In approximately summer of 2024, with operations beginning early morning and concluding in the ear1y afternoon of the same day. Due to the brief and temporary nature of the construction, there are no projected lane/path closures or parking impacts, and public access will be maintained during removal and replanting activities. Safety of the area will be appropriately monitored and enforced as needed by the contractor. A breeding and nesting bird survey shall be conducted prior to tree removal activities. If inactive nest Is located, all work within 500 feet of the nest shall be postponed until such nest ls vacated and the juveniles have fledged and when there Is no attempt of a second nesting. Once the new trees are planted, maintenance will be needed on an as-needed basis. Due to its nature and limited scope, construction of the proposed project would generate a minor amount of vehicle trips and would require limited use of equipment. Therefore, Impacts related to air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, and transportation and traffic are not anticipated to occur. Furthermore, the Applicant would be responsible for complying with all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding construction demolition debris, hazards and hazardous materials, and stormwater.

Contact Information

Kurt Brickley
Agency Name
San Diego Unified Port District
Job Title
Manager of Operations and Maintenance
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant


San Diego
San Diego
Southern California
Other Location Info
Adjacent to Comfort Station #1 in Spanish Landing Park at 3900 N Harbor Drive, San Diego, CA, 92101

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Class 1)
Reasons for Exemption
The project is determined to be Categorically Exempt pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and Section 3.a of the District's Guidelines for Compliance with CEQA because it is the removal and replacement of one (1) existing tree and associated maintenance that would involve negligible or no expansion of use beyond that previously existing.
County Clerk
San Diego


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