Shimanovsky Residence Coastal Planned Development (PD) Permit


SCH Number
Public Agency
Ventura County
Document Title
Shimanovsky Residence Coastal Planned Development (PD) Permit
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A Coastal Development Permit to demolish an existing single-family dwelling and to construct a new single-family dwelling. The Project includes a request to demolish an existing 3,937 square foot (sq. ft.) two-story, single-family dwelling. The proposed single-family dwelling will be 7,350 square feet in gross floor area with 4,020 square feet of habitable space. The first horizontal member supporting the structure will be located at an elevation of 19 feet above the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) (Base Flood Elevation is 18 feet NAVD88). The building will have a height of 27 feet, as measured from the from lowest elevation of the first floor as established by the Public Works Agency. The proposed dwelling is comprised of 5 bedrooms, a gym, a two-car garage and a two-car carport (combined 1,100 square feet), a 200 square foot second-floor balcony, and a 95 square foot third-floor balcony. Structural slabs for the dwelling will be supported on piles and grade beams which will elevate the dwelling in accordance with the recommendations provided in supporting Project background reports (Runup & Coastal Hazards Analysis, GeoSoils, Inc., March 2022 and Soil Engineering Report, Solid Soils & Geologic Consultants, June 2022). The Project includes the installation of a building elevator which extends from the ground level to the two habitable floors above the garage, constructed in compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Technical Bulletin 4-93. All building enclosures constructed below the Base Flood Elevation will be constructed with breakaway walls in accordance with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Home Builder’s Guide to Coastal Construction (Technical Fact Sheet P-499) . Wastewater will be processed by a new 1,500-gallon Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) which will connect to existing infrastructure operated by County of Ventura Service Area No. 29. The existing STEP system will be demolished. A new access easement benefiting the Ventura County Public Works Agency, Water and Sanitation Department will be required to be recorded for the new STEP system. Upon recordation of the new easement, the existing access easement will be quit claimed. Potable water for domestic use will be provided by Casitas Municipal Water District. Access to the Project site is provided by a new private driveway which connects to Solimar Beach Drive, a private road.

Contact Information

John Oquendo
Agency Name
Ventura County Resource Management Agency, Planning Division
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Unincorporated Area
Southern California
Cross Streets
Solimar Beach Drive (Private Road) and Old Coast Highway (State Route SR1)
Total Acres
Parcel #
State Highways
Union Pacific
Pacific Ocean
Other Location Info
3120 Solimar Beach Drive

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301, 15302 and 15303
Reasons for Exemption
As discussed in the Staff Report for the Planning Director Hearing for the project (Dated June 6, 2024), the Project was found to be exempt from CEQA under Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Class 2 (Replacement or Reconstruction Projects) and Class 3 (New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures). The key consideration in determining applicability of the Class 1 Categorical Exemption is whether the project involves negligible or no expansion of use. The proposed Project results in the demolition of one existing single family dwelling and the construction of a replacement dwelling. With respect to Class 2 projects, the proposed scope of work is comprised of the replacement of one single-family dwelling located on the same site as the demolished structure. The Project does not include any additional development on adjacent lots and will utilize existing utilities and infrastructure to facilitate the proposed development. The Project is located on the same lot as the demolished dwelling and will have substantially the same purpose (dwelling) and capacity (one) as the structure replaced. Similarly for Class 3, the proposed Project consists of the construction of one single-family dwelling, following the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling located on the same property. The project site is located within an existing community area, as defined by the Ventura County General Plan and will utilize existing public infrastructure and utilities for a range of necessary improvement associated with the development of residential land uses (i.e., sewer and water service, access). Further, the Project will not trigger any of the exceptions to the exemptions listed under CEQA Guidelines Section 15300.2. Therefore, no further environmental review is required.
County Clerk


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