V-Ditch Sediment Removal at EDPP, WGPP, and WRPP
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
V-Ditch Sediment Removal at EDPP, WGPP, and WRPP
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Conservation Corps and DWR staff will remove sediment and debris from the concrete v-ditches surrounding the Edmonston Pumping Plant (EDPP), Wind Gap Pumping Plant (WGPP), and Wheeler Ridge Pumping Plant (WRPP). To do this work, hand tools would be used to shovel out and remove the sediment and debris from the v-ditches. Sediment and debris would then be placed into a loader bucket. The loader would dump the sediment and debris into a dump truck. The dump truck would transport the sediment and debris to the EDPP overlook or the WRPP spoil pile site. All work would be completed within the DWR right of way. This work is necessary to prevent damage and flooding of the State Water Project.
Contact Information
Elizabeth Maldonado
Agency Name
Department of Water Resources, San Joaquin Field Division
Job Title
Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist)
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Arvin, Bakersfield
Other Location Info
EDPP: 34°56'36.5"N 118°49'26.5"W
EDPP Overlook: 34°56'52.0"N 118°49'35.6"W
WGPP: 35°00'54.4"N 118°58'47.5"W
WRPP: 35°01'53.5"N 119°00'26.5"W
WRPP Spoil Pile: 35°02'17.7"N 119°00'49.8"W
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15301 (b)
Reasons for Exemption
This project consists of maintenance activities that support the function of the California Aqueduct and water delivery within the State Water Project.
Notice of Exemption
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