California Aqueduct Milepost 141.56R Westlands Water District Pipeline Repair
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Water Resources
Document Title
California Aqueduct Milepost 141.56R Westlands Water District Pipeline Repair
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Westlands Water District (WWD) requests encroachment permission to replace a broken, underground water pipeline (pipe), an MNI water use meter, and a valve at MP 141.56R. First, WWD will use a t-wrench to access a ground valve connected to the broken pipe to shut off the water supply so repairs can be made. Then, an approximately 4-foot-long by 4-foot-wide by 5-foot-deep excavation will be made to remove a concrete vault and uncover the broken equipment. Once the pipe is exposed, the 1-foot-long damaged pipe segment will be replaced with a new segment and connected to the existing pipe using a coupler, the broken meter will be removed and replaced with a new meter, and the broken valve will be removed and replaced with a new valve. Each new component will be made of similar materials to the original. WWD will dispose of the removed pipe segment, meter, and valve offsite. Once the repairs are complete, the concrete vault will be placed back into its original position, the excavated area will be backfilled and compacted, and the water supply will be restored. Work is necessary to maintain the existing WWD water supply. WWD will benefit from this project.
Contact Information
Cody Nelson
Agency Name
California Department of Water Resources
Job Title
Planner Scheduler/UC Supervisor
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Southern California
Cross Streets
Approximately 1.58 miles NW of the intersection of State Route 145 and the California Aqueduct.
State Highways
SR 145
California Aqueduct
Other Location Info
Work will occur on the right side (R) of Reach 5 of the California Aqueduct (Aqueduct). Work will be in the Department of Water Resources right of way at milepost 141.56R. The work site is approximately 1.58 miles northwest of the intersection of State Route 145 and the Aqueduct.
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15305(b) Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations – Issuance of Minor Encroachment Permits
Reasons for Exemption
Westlands Water District requests permission to work in the Department of Water Resources right of way to repair an existing water pipeline and associated equipment. Department of Water Resources, as Responsible Agency, will issue an encroachment permit for this work. Work will take place in areas with an average slope of less than 20 percent and will not result in any changes in land use or density; Categorical Exemption 15305 (b) (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations - Issuance of minor encroachment permits) applies.
Notice of Exemption
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