Merritt Property Residential Subdivision


SCH Number
Public Agency
City of Pleasanton
Document Title
Merritt Property Residential Subdivision
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
111-lot residential subdivision, including an age-qualified community with 92 single-family detached homes, 18 affordable senior court-yard detached and duet homes, one existing single-family residence, and related on-and off-site improvements.

Contact Information

Eric Luchini
Agency Name
City of Pleasanton
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Francisco Bay Area
Parcel #
4131 and 4141 Foothill Road, APN 941-0950-003-11, and APN 941- 0950-003-12

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Pursuant to the Section 15183 Consistency Checklist, the proposed project is found to be in conformance with the analysis and conclusions of the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 FEIR and Housing Element Update FEIR. This determination is based on the following criteria: 1. There are no new significant effects peculiar to the proposed project or its site; 2. There are no new significant effects that were not previously evaluated in the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 FEIR and Housing Element Update FEIR; 3. There are no new significant off-site or cumulative impacts that were not analyzed in the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 FEIR and Housing Element Update FEIR, and 4. There are no adverse impacts that are more severe than those previously identified in the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 FEIR and Housing Element Update FSEIR. This evaluation concludes the proposed project qualifies for an exemption from additional environmental review under Section 15183 because it is consistent with the development density and land use characteristics established by the City, as analyzed by the Pleasanton General Plan 2005-2025 FEIR and Housing Element Update FEIR.
County Clerk


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